
Looks like the torn jacket bro was one on about five. Justifiable reaction in the heat of the moment.

Maybe someone can explain this to me, but it seems like when there’s a problem with NOx emissions, it’s the car emitting 20x or 50x the maximum emissions. It seems unlikely that any tuning/filter/injection/catalyst or whatever could consistently reduce the emissions by +95%. More simply, how is it that when NOx

Watched the whole thing, wondering who might be in the depths of hell, and found out it was none of the people I was expecting.

Proposed Jalopnik crime division: Jacopnik

It’s a country in gawker medias spell correction database.

Where is Blegium anyway?

Obama chilling with Castro at a baseball game while an international airport of an ally is attacked. Great president.

Who in God’s name would bomb Blegium?

If it wasn’t already obvious it’s 100% fake, the photo editor missed a huge detail by not changing the rear-end shadow to reflect a shorter vehicle. Good effort, though.

Park in a closed garage or a well-lit area with lots of people.

I mean those burns were pretty wet.

I’m sure she’ll grow up to eventually love the D.

so your saying Trump should be president?

You're right. Calling Hamas desert creatures is too polite.

Passengers on the Aaron Hernandez cruise, however, did not have nearly as much fun.

There used to be this thing called the USSR who really wanted to get in our shit.

it isnt for the american populace as a whole, but to keep enemy eyes off the program

Rousey went on to say that she wants her next fight to be a rematch with Holm.