You sound very angry for a Buddha.
You sound very angry for a Buddha.
The one of the Maserati behind the bushes is my favorite shot.
‘New-age’ hipster artsy shot. If this car could fit in a bathroom, there would be a selfie shot.
Ha barely hopped over that low low low bar.
On all the bridge articles I’ve seen on Jalop I’ve never seen one of these comments. So not is your ‘in before’ comment stupid, it is extra stupid because it never comes.
G for effort.
1st Gear: You mean like how the current agreement is set up?
You can’t really blame Pres Trump on this one, but it is absolutely stupid on part of Boeing to even do this. It actually will result as a net positive due to job creation in the US.
You don’t think the US subsidizes BA via war machine? HAHAHAHAHAHA
You’re like the antiJalop. Discouraging options because you disagree with the use.
$50,000 hahahahahahah they hit that pipe hard
Yep. #Iwill #praythingsgetbetter
Sounds like a winning strategy to put down someone you want as an ally.
It’d be dismissed equally just as you have now. I believe in this hashtag but the minimizing of other people’s legitimate concerns is bullshit.
Someone with a lot of ‘fuck you’ money.
Kotaku is one of the only brands on this site that still has journalistic integrity going.
Remember when journalism required research....You should give it a try some time.
The semi-yearly joke that keeps on giving and never gets old.... -Satan