
Are you that an asshole that being punched in the face is a frequent problem?

Can you flip the phone on it’s ‘face’ or would that not work either?

If you watch the presentation again you will notice it was a lock screen after being restarted. Every iPhone needs the password typed in upon restarts for the first time. After that, thumb print works.

I never understood why someone who has no interest in Apple products devotes so much time to talk Apple products. Must be a sad life.

Because they work at half the speed and half the quality, lasting about a year until you need to upgrade.

Are you a sadist, because subjecting yourself every year to something you loathe and then comment about it sounds like what a sadist would do.

I’d be more worried about SnapChat leaking your facial profile than I would about Apple.

Obvious sarcasm is obvious...so username checks out?

What are cars Jalopnik readers wouldn’t buy new for $500 Alex?


People who work at them.

4mins too late

“when a dealership puts about 40 cars in it, then the parking garage should probably be expanded a bit.”

Nah, the scum level goes:

“Between the Electoral College and every day sexism, it’s easy to argue that she got a raw deal in 2016.” What? Sure, the Republicans were the Republicans in their view, but their numbers didn’t change from prior elections. HC however lost millions of Democratic votes in states where she needed them.

1. How is this a lifehack...? Oh wait, it’s not.

Right, because people haven’t complained about it before this article...

Given how badly hammered the southeastern USA is getting hit, do you really want it? I do appreciate the symbolism though. Reclaim from the twats with half a brain in the south.

Teenage girls are babysitters, not boys. Why? Because teenage boys are dumb little shits until about their mid 20's.

All the top of the line phones are insanely expensive now.