
If he's going for weight savings, that honker could probably drop him a lb or two.

I didn't realize there was a database that the airlines held. I'd assume it would be a TSA exclusive. Seems like a violation of privacy.

I'm not endorsing the other comment or, but do they have the ability to check where she has been? I've always wondered how they knew.

Your jokes aren't funny and you're very obtuse.

Yes, as in part of the job description. Joining the U.S. Military you are willingly signing up to shoot and be shot at, signing up for a flight attendant you are not. There, I spelled it out for you.

The only place I've failed is that I fed the troll. To clarify for you the troll, I was speaking to their job conditions, not their current state/situation.

Troll 2/10 - needs more subtlety

It seems critical thinking isn't for you. It's ok, some one needs to flip patties.

You didn't say thatat the time. Be more specific next time. I know the other person wasn't a veteran because it would have been noted in the article and that person would have been more mindful of the other veteran.

Given that he is an Army Ranger vet of a that rank and well decorated he's definitely been shot at in combat. Don't be an idiot.

Man, I really have to consider that car. My biggest gripe has always been maintenance with VW. Scares me a bit long term. I like to hold cars until 150-200k, but I may have to reconsider.

Sorry for the dumb question, but which tdi? Jetta? Thanks!

You do realize the story that was told by the OP, the guy leaving the truck was an employee at the dealership? And it wasn't their for any repair?

'Them' Soldiers really getting the big bucks. ignorance is bliss.

I must have missed the part where flight attendants get shot at.

I mixed the two terms because I was drinking. Regardless of this fact your point is still wrong.

Not what I meant. Rare earth materials are massive more valuable than gold and currency isn't based to it because it is a stupid idea. Too much volatility no real reason. Honestly, get a clue.

Not really they're stock piling precious metals not gold. You really have no idea what you're talking about.

You know how I know you don't know what you're talking about? "the dollar (itself based off of treasury gold)"

I would also think those people need to get their knickers out of a bunch.