
It’s a fun, old-fashioned Saturday-matinee superhero flick. Probably not enough of a blockbuster for modern audiences, but I would have loved it when I was a kid. (And, boy, was it better than the recent Syfy mini-series reboot.)

Plus, Catherine Zeta-Jones as a pirate queen!

And this is where I brag about having written

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My favourite tribute is Cynthia Galant’s (who played Charlotte and younger version of Leda clones) in which she is being all of them:

“These are people of the land. The common clay of the new west. You know...morons.”

He looks like that IKEA monkey.

You wash out your filthy mouth, Rob. That show was awesome, not awful. The social satire was up there with the Simpsons’ best seasons.

...can they do this? It seems like just slotting cartoon characters into incongruous classic movies is a recipe for disaster. I can only imagine that “The Jetsons: Song of the South” and “Scooby Doo: Philadelphia” are in the pipeline.

For the same reason The Maginificent Seven took place in the Old West instead of Sengoku-era Japan and The Departed took place in Boston instead of Hong-Kong. It’s called cultural translation. We humans have done it since time immemorial. And all cultures do it -just as an example, I recently heard a lecture about how

Did the math?

That’s nothing! Our President hung out with the entire cast of O Brother Where Art Thou.

I heard Anthony Daniels and Kenny Baker never saw Hidden Fortress.

I’m over here wishing I could get a good blue ray release of macross frontier or delta in the US.

Yeah. We don’t use them for security blankets around the house or for the walk to the mall though.

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Can’t decide which this falls int into; great track, but too many sound bites from the film shoehorned in....

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Oh, wait - forgot two epic Jim Steinman songs from Streets of Fire:

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There cannot be a Bond song post without this. IMO, it’s the best of the modern Bond songs.