
Batou and the Tachikomas.

Ed, Al, Nina and Alexander.

It’s already been done.

With your mouth, like a fucking boss:

No, but they may have the right stuff....

Lord save us from shippers.


I don’t know what 90's power fantasy you’ve been living in but Batman killing people is very much out of character. Hell the whole purpose of the story Nightfall was to show why Batman should not kill.

No mention of Black Scorpion?

Classic Ren. Scammed on E-bay.

I really wish they say when season 5 of Person of Interest is coming back.

“I’m a huge Game of Thrones fan”

As a quick addendum, holograms were perfected by the time of the First Order.

Cat projections... 99.999999% of the holo-bandwidth is being taken up by people projecting cute cat-holograms which means that there’s bugger-all left for the serious messages. That’s why things flicker and have crappy quality.

Hell some of the tech in 1999 looks ancient as hell by today’s standards.

yup, definitely going to need the whole bottle.

No, you see, that’s where everyone’s wrong, it’s all one title.

One of the only women who wrote for Weird Tales in the 1930's? Really?