
Considering that the WDW property is incorporated as its own town with the ability to pass bylaws and such, I’d say that was a ‘yes’.

Yes. If you couldn’t enjoy Michael Chiklis chewing the scenery as the crazy police captain then you have no soul.

That’s pretty funny considering that Mr. Elba was born and raised in Hackney.

slight authoritarian streak at times

And he made the star-trains run on time!

Heh. “Murder at 1600" was shot entirely in Toronto, demonstrating what a chameleon that city is.

and the bits I’ve seen with her were very flat.

Pretty sure she shares it with Ming-Na Wen.

Ya gotta admit, she’s really easy on the eyes. But Nickelback should come with a warning.

It was also shown on Space Channel in Canada, and the first season was pretty good. Really didn’t need Stan’s name on it.

Yeah, that’s the clip I mentioned further up. Couldn’t be closer to the truth.

“It’s not Porn, it’s HBO!”

Yup. She’s extraordinarily attractive in a really off-beat way. Loved her in Luther.

It’s on iTunes in Canada. It’s really pretty good. A small story, but it accomplishes everything it sets out to do.

Was that the one before the current run? With the red room flashbacks? That was really good, and would provide some great source material for a movie.

Okay, I no nothing about the Valiant universe, but this looks amazingly comic-booky, and really well done!

Really? We don’t have the cool cars, subs that can launch jet fighters, satellites with AIs, routine moon shuttles ...

Also A Visit to a Weird Planet Revisited - the actors end up on the real Enterprise. Nimoy tells Scotty he’s not the real Spock, and Scotty replies, “Aye lad. It’s bonny job, but I can see where the ears went on.”

That’s a really cool episode, one of my favourites. Near the end, Straker is running around the sets as sets; it breaks the fourth wall and really messes with your head.