
And Donald Trump is running for president. Your point is?

Have you seen how big he is now? He uses ICBMs for toothpicks.

This needs to become a thing.

Honestly, the story I’ve heard isn’t that it was shot on film reels that were discarded, but that it was shot on video tape that was re-used. This makes more sense to me, since the shows that did survive have that video tape ‘look’, the same look that soap operas have as compared to prime-time TV shows.

I remember all of the characters I’ve seen so far, and I’m looking forward to seeing The Impossibles soon, but I don’t remember Teen Force. Got a reference?

I dunno about the soundtrack, but I love the OP for Unicorn. It’s the best I’ve heard in years.

There was a period, about fifteen years ago, when popular opinion had it that Utena was the greatest anime ever made. Now it’s all but forgotten. Strange.

Ya know, somewhere I have a Star Trek 10th anniversary medallion, with serial number engraved on the side. I’m sure that sucker is worth a small fortune, if I can ever find it. :P

I saw that movie. In Tokyo. It sucked.

Nobody remembers Mr. Canoehead? I am sad.


I love the by-line!

Needs a GIF of the dumpster swimming pool for contrast.

“Batshit” is a good starting point.

That top one is interesting, because it’s a knock-off of the Thunderbirds pistol.

Dear God, no. Rae made such a mess of Ontario when he was in power, there’s no way he should be running a country!

Have you got the toy Lying Cat from your LCS? It even says, “Lying”.

I made a father’s day card out of that panel. It worked.

No relation.

... because Watson sucks.