
They actually cut bits of Tora! Tora! Tora! together to make the pre-vis for the rebel attack on the Death Star.

There’s not enough Brian K. Vaughan or Warren Ellis on this list, so I’ll go with Vaughan’s initial run of Runaways and Ellis’ Iron Man: Extremis.

I’d be absolutely thrilled if it wasn’t “The United States is the Entire World” Hulu.

Ha! That’s nothing. I own the Hot Toys “The Bat”. 1/12 scale model of the flying vehicle from The Dark Knight Rises. The box is about 3 ft x 2ft x 18 inches. I need help.

I collect Hot Toys. :(

Yes, and keep going to the second arc, which contains the wonderful panel phuzz linked below.

Pity she can’t act.

Star Wars opening night, June 1977. I was 15, and my Dad drove me and two friends to a local mall for the 7:00 show. It was sold out, and Dad, in one of his rare displays of patience, agreed to wait in line with us for the 9:00 show.

I was probably there with you. My girlfriend at the time was a huge animation fan, and we saw Akira and Ghost in the Shell when they premiered in theatres. (Our first date was The Little Mermaid.)

Yeah, when I saw them only Moon was dead. Now they’re all mostly dead.

But not why.

“Gormless” is a wonderful term. I’d love to know the entomology of it and if there’s such a thing as ‘gorm’.

Ha. I was born in Wales, but only spent the first 18 months of my life there, so I have to put on the accent. From the sound of things, I should do it more often.

I was there! (The first one, in September.) I think I still have the t-shirt.

Dark Matter?

1. I’d hate to live in one of the nearby houses. The construction noise must be terrible!

Carol was in a few episodes of Avengers: EMH, which are really worth watching. Especially the one with the Guardians of the Galaxy, who are the pre-movie line-up.

Seems to run in parallel with my theory that Scott Backula was doing a bad George W. Bush impression the whole time.

Well, one of them was William Gibson, so we’re in good company.

When a book has author credits like this, it usually means the big-name author dashed off a few-thousand-word outline, and the ‘smaller font’ author wrote the book from it. I knew one of these ‘smaller font’ authors, and he said the money was good, as long as you could write quickly.