
I hope they fix the Apple TV App Store while they’re at it. That thing is useless.

So, they’ve run out of ways to torture, maim, and abuse the main characters?

Not to mention the vibranium-laced suit, with the claws. He’s gonna be a handful.

Seriously, yikes! I didn’t think he was that powerful, but the Marvel Wikia says his strength is between 800 lbs and 2 tons(!) and he can run up to 40 m.ph. Also, superhuman agility, durability, stamina, reflexes and healing.

DING! We have a winner! She even has the right hair style!

Apparently. I don’t buy it for a second.

Somebody ‘shop this!

Okay, I understand. That’s a really solid argument, and I agree with you, I hope the movie makes it work.

Yup, and yup. Here:

The quality of the props is astounding. I’d love to know how they were made.

Good argument about torture, but I would say that it is never justified. The problem with torture as a means of gaining information is that the victim will tell you exactly what you want to hear, or tell you anything to make it stop. Studies have demonstrated this.

Oh! I hope my t-shirt arrives in time!

Rachel McAdams could be Dr. Gina Atwater, but it a bit of a stretch. The character only appears in the 2007 animated feature, as a friend/love interest.

A star for “The Tildancient One”. This needs to become a thing.

Any word on region blocking/locking? Does anyone know if this is going to be a U.S. only thing, or available world-wide?

“Muscle cars with no muscle” - yeah, I remember the Mustang II.

Proverb: “The law is an ass.” There is a difference between the law (a codified set of rules, roughly speaking) and justice (an ideal).

How’s this?

Personally, I prefer it this way. It lets the heroes be heroes. If you spend too much time on the villains, they end up stealing the movie from the heroes (Nicholson’s Joker and Ledger’s Joker are the best examples), and I don’t want that to happen.

Yes, you’re really lucky. I grew up in the seventies, and all I got for 7 years before Star Wars was Rollerball and Logan’s Run. That was it. And nothing on TV.