
I remain convinced Scott Bakula was doing a George W. Bush impression the entire time.

And because the door kept sticking and the tribbles would jam the opening, they had to shoot that scene seventeen times. Shatner’s look of frustration is real.

I think you have something backwards.

And, like half the audience, she didn’t know what it meant.

Really? I keep watching it, but I have no idea why. It has the barest thread of a plot, padded with in-numerous chase scenes and pretty young things making out.

Kevin Smith would never wear long pants.

Sounds like NDINO (Nancy Drew In Name Only) to me.

So, it’s a movie for Trump supporters?

Note the the epub format files are junk, without decent justification or word-spacing, they’re impossible to read. I think the PDFs are your best bet, although bulkier and less convenient than epub.

Yeah, that’s how you do a Batman / Superman story. They’re competitive, they don’t trust each other initially, but they don’t actually fight, because that would be dumb.

This role makes you think she’s not a very nice person?

Is there anyone left watching Colony? I threw in the towel because last week’s episode was so bad. Josh Holloway keeps managing to get attached to so weak-ass projects.

I miss Michael Caine already.

But you’ve neglected to mention that only two of those new streetcars have been delivered and the whole project has been subject to massive delays and cost -overruns, and I think the city is currently involved in legal action with Bombardier over the whole mess.

Fucking Stephen Lang is 62 fucking years old! Look at those arms! Life is so unfair.

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You’ll like this video I shot at the Toronto International Airshow a few years ago.

Since when?

Instagram and Twitter can give you an idea of what people are really like. Off the top of my head, Stephen Amell and Ryan Reynolds seem like pretty decent, centered guys.

But I thought the Superman/Zod fight trashed Metropolis, not Gotham City. What’s going on?

Okay, that’s not entirely accurate. Amazon has ordered 4 13-episode seasons of the series. Series 1 has finished in the UK and was 26 episodes, and Series 2 has been ordered by ITV, also 26 episodes. So Amazon is just buying the American(?) rights to the existing order.