
But that’s all part of a dream sequence, isn’t it? The whole bit with Superman entering the underground prison and ripping off Batman’s mask is some kind of paranoid dream Bruce is having.

This is the first thing I thought of:


Interestingly, at least 2 of the 4 actors are gay. Says a lot about LGBT progress these days. (Could be more than 2, I’m not sure.)

Cabin Fever Movie? How about Ravenous? (With the always excellent Robert Carlyle.)

You know the BBC is doing His Dark Materials as a series, right?

So, Mutant-X all over again, but without the hot chicks?

Thank you! I was waiting for someone to point this out. Maybe it’s an expense-related thing.

World’s Greatest Food!

The first Rover was supposedly a super-impressive robot the effects department built. On the first take it rolled off the beach into the sea, and never returned. Someone noticed a weather balloon nearby and said, ”Maybe we could use that?” Serendipity at its best.

Please tell me. Did Mackie say, “Cut the Check!” even just once?

Is that designation from the script. Because it would be perfect if it was.

True dat. He loves making fans miserable.

Can we blame some of this on Whedon’s penchant for killing a major character in every franchise? He’s been pulling this shit since Buffy and Angel, and continued with Wash in Firefly, and then Coulson, and then Quicksilver. It’s become a cliche at this point, and I’m tired of it.

Or just a little tail-surfing?

Can I just say (peevishly), “Fuck you Anno, where’s Eva 4.0!?!”

Maybe we’ll get an answer to the real mystery at the heart of The X-Files, why the hell haven’t these people aged!?!

Hopefully in good way.


And I have the t-shirt!