
But he wasn’t, really. He was short, for a thoroughbred, but incredibly muscled, not like a body builder but more like an MMA fighter. There’s an old PBS Nova episode. called ‘A Magic Way of Going’ about race horses. It’s hard to find now, but it is really wonderful, and they talk a bit about Secretariat in it.

1. What’s with the drag queen in the upper-right corner of some shots?

Hey, here in Toronto we have “The Old Spaghetti Factory”. I wonder how many people ask if old spaghetti is better than new spaghetti?

I’ve developed an irrational hatred of those things, so I call them ‘Toe rags”.

The show is called “Jack Taylor” and Iain Glen is awesome in it. You’d better be able to handle Galway accents, though.

What is it with Americans? Are you physically incapable of making your own food? Your country invented the concept of ‘fast food’ and it’s slowly killing the lot of you. Watch ‘Supersize Me’ or half a dozen other documentaries if you don’t believe me.

Well, sure, until the giant robots show up ...

It's a pity Woot is one of the few barbaric companies left that only ship within the US.

It's a pity Woot is one of the few barbaric companies left that only ship within the US.

Sorry, but this line from her web site deserves attention:

So mecha and SciFi are dead, or just in the ICU?

It's probably reasonably light. They can do pretty clever things with light-weight materials like styrofoam.

You could go digital. Check out www.comixology.com, or just marvel.com. Read in your browser, or on a tablet.

Dakota to Melanie, "It's not porn, it's (almost) HBO!"

I just hope this pisses off the North American cosplayers (you know the ones) who have had expensive 'breast augmentation' surgery, and are now suffering the back pain that it causes.

Yep. Whoosh!

They're also vital to your health. I was over there one August, and it was terribly hot and humid. I wasn't feeling well after a couple of days and realized I as dehydrated. After that I made it a point to stop every hour or so to get a drink from a machine. It was never a problem to find one.

More likely transit cards, like Pasmo. A lot of stores and vending machines will let you use your transit pass to pay.

About the same as a convenience store, from what I remember.

It is. Watch the HBO series, Silicon Valley for proof.

Geez, 'Giant Robo' really needs a new name now, doesn't he?