'Programs'? That sounds so last-century. Shouldn't they be referring to each other as 'Apps' now?
'Programs'? That sounds so last-century. Shouldn't they be referring to each other as 'Apps' now?
Why are the sperm blue!?!?
I'd suggest looking at Phillip Pulman's new version of "The Brothers Grimm". The author of "The Golden Compass" has his own unique take on the stories.
Also available on Amazon Kindle and Apple iBooks, if you need instant gratification.
"it also featured the only Bond villain who used evil cyberhacking as the main weapon in his arsenal." - umm, no. The whole point of 'Goldeneye' was having the Russian hacker (massively over-acted by Alan Cumming) steal the money electronically before the EMP erased the evidence. Not that the computer 'science' in…
According to another study, Massachusetts ranks 1st out of the 50 states in quality of education. Go fi.
I'm trying to see how SyFy's "Witchslayer Gretel" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1684936/
The project to shield electronics against EMP is called TEMPEST and it has been around since at least 1990. You can assume that anything regarded as tactically or strategically necessary has been shielded for years, if not decades.
Agreed. "The Terror" is remarkably good, but "Carrion Comfort" has to be one of the greatest horror stories ever. It stays with you for days after you finish it.
One of the TV reports said that Marcus and the XO were being charged with 'Dereliction of Duty', I think (but it could have been something else) and that it would threaten 'not only their careers but their citizenship'. Can they really do that? I've heard of military officers being courtmartialed and executed, or…
If they took some of my stem cells and made eggs, and some more of my stem cells, and made sperm, and then fertilized the eggs with the sperm, wouldn't that be a clone of me? Or am I missing something?
With all the name-checks, you missed Adam Hunt's mention of Grell, probably referring to Mike Grell, the artist and writer of GA for a period in the late 80s - early 90s.
Here, you can watch the whole hot mess on Youtube.
Also, real. I saw a doc on the Secret Service the other day, and it talked about the special dogs they use, Malinois from Belgium, that are trained to respond to dutch commands.
And for genre fans, the old guy with the beard (was he the younger guy, or just playing him?) was played by Derek DeLint, who starred in 'Poltergeist: The Legacy" for all those seasons.
No love for 'Susan'? Honestly, the idea that the Doctor can speak 'horse', and 'baby' never gets tired for me. (I think Stormageddon has a Twitter account somewhere.)
Let me be the first to say, "DO NOT WANT!!!"
Anyone who didn't vote for Claudia from 'Warehouse 13' has yet to see her 'office lady' clip.
Lots of Nick Cage, 'cos he's crazy, lots of Gary Oldman, 'cos he's brilliant, but I think the best would be Tim Curry, just pick the role. "Rocky Horror", "Legend", or the serial killer he played on "Criminal Minds". Probably a lot of other roles and cartoon voice-overs, too.