Anyone who didn't vote for Claudia from 'Warehouse 13' has yet to see her 'office lady' clip.
Anyone who didn't vote for Claudia from 'Warehouse 13' has yet to see her 'office lady' clip.
Lots of Nick Cage, 'cos he's crazy, lots of Gary Oldman, 'cos he's brilliant, but I think the best would be Tim Curry, just pick the role. "Rocky Horror", "Legend", or the serial killer he played on "Criminal Minds". Probably a lot of other roles and cartoon voice-overs, too.
Why don't ya just submerge the whole town?
I was gonna re-watch some of these, but then i remembered that my MST3K collection is the Rhino VHS editions. CURSE YOU, PREMATURELY OBSOLETE TECHNOLOGY!!!
Was anyone else annoyed that even NASA is now adding sound effects to the vacuum of space? It's a sad day when '2001: A Space Odyssey' is more accurate than NASA promo videos.
You want boobs? It has Charisma fucking Carpenter in it! That should be enough boobs for anyone!
So the FAA has given the cops permission to fly these, but protestors don't need to get permission to fly their own. A Parrot AR.drone is about $300, and runs Linux. Shouldn't be to hard to hack one to make an anti-drone drone. Laser the camera, or shoot it with paint pellets, or use Silly String to gum up the rotors.
After the relative disappointment of IM2, followed by 'Cowboys and Aliens' completely stiffing at the box office, I suspect Favreau's currency as a director in Hollywood has gone down a lot. It's the "But what have you done for us lately?" mentality that seems to pervade the place.
I vote Ms. M. because she's one of my favourites. I have a mint set of her first run from the late 70s. Plus, Ms. M. makes sense if you're going up against Thanos; you need someone with cosmic-level powers.
All you people and your puny fans. You need jet engines!
A couple of things: Ben Kingsley just has to be playing the Mandarin now. It's too obvious a choice. Second, can we get Ms. Marvel in the next Avengers movie, please? Because the movie needs more strong female characters for Joss to write, and, she's too hot for words! (Let the casting predictions begin!)
I really liked "Tomorrow Never Dies" and Jonathan Pryce as Elliot Carver. He was a wonderful mix of Rupert Murdoch and Bill Gates, and let his minions do the dirty work.
I want tacos!
They did this in the English weekly comics, too. I remember all the action strips for 'Clark's Commandos' shoes (Clark's being a major children's shoe manufacturer). Nifty things that came with a secret booklet, and had animal paw prints on the sole.
The real question is, will Cumberbatch do a cheesy Richardo Montoban accent? Because that would truly rock.
You missed 'Continuum', or aren't you getting that in the States? Starts May 27th on Showcase in Canada.
From IMDB: "Her aunt, also named Anna Torv, was married for 31 years to Billionaire mogul Rupert Murdoch."
Is #33 the one Michael Moorcock wrote the lyrics for? I know he's a big Hawkwind fan and he used to play with them occasionally.
"Everything's fun until somebody loses an eye."
No, they got it from Captain Scarlet.