
I was wondering about that until I read down far enough to see that you were playing on the PS4. Piranha Bytes games have always suffered from glitches in any format, many of which have been fixed by fan patches, but in the case of Elex, it has been one the most stable brand-new games that they have ever released — on

Having removed a layer of skin once along with caramel syrup that I spilled on my arm, I hear you!

Fair enough, but I cannot fathom why it would be necessary to measure pepper that precisely. It is not like it can alter the chemical composition of the other ingredients, like salt can do.

Nor did the gay couple in this case ask for a cake to display violent or threatening imagery like a burning cross would be. That is a nonsensical comparison. If they had asked him to display threatening (or sexually explicit) imagery, he would have a case.

That is the thing — if the couple had asked him to bake a cake with an explicit sexual image on it, he would have been entirely in his rights to refuse to do so (though that presumes that he would not bake an explicit cake for a heterosexual couple, either.) But if he is willing to bake a harmless wedding cake for a

Not sure that I would eat one even for convenience, but I can see how you might be willing to do so.

The more that I think about it, I had that in Eau Claire, not Appleton. So it was not quite so far from Lacrosse. They may not drift down to Illinois.

My wife will burn down any restaurant that dares change its fries. They can change anything else that they want to and she will not care, but she will go to war over fries.

That is just the thing: a good veggie burger is its own animal (so to speak.) The true meat “substitutes” like soy protein are terrible, but a good bean, mushroom, or grain burger is tasty on its own, even to a non-vegetarian like me.

I am a fellow carnivore, but have friends who are vegetarians or vegans, and we all accept each other’s diets without attempting to proselytize. Not sure why that seems so hard for some people.

If you live in Chicago, you may be able to find a place that serves the best vegetarian burger that I have every tasted: the walnut burgers created by the Trempealeau hotel in Lacrosse, WI. Unbelievable. I have never been to the hotel, but they ship the things out to other restaurants. (I had one in Appleton, WI,

Medal of Honor won the all-time award with the truly odious “Sniper Town” level. Snipers who were absolutely invisible, yet would hit you the instant that you stepped out from behind cover — and would keep hitting you until you died, the “ding” effect of the impact making the screen bounce so that you had no hope of

Definite baddass. If I had been in his place, there would have been huge chunks behind me, as well as in front of me.

Now playing

I do not want to make light of your post — which I agree with 100% — but I do have to say that I can no longer hear Manchester’s song without thinking of this scene:


I am a Vikings fan living in western Wisconsin who has been making that argument to Packer Backers for years, to no avail. (By the way, if you are familiar with the St. Croix River valley area at all, being a Vikings fan out here is not so bad. It is all the Twin Cities television market, so you are about 50/50

No, display size & resolution are but two parameters relating to picture quality. Not the only two, either. Black levels, grayscale & colour accuracy (among others) are just as important. A larger display that is weaker in those categories is not an upgrade.

“Spoiler alert for people like me who haven’t yet seen a movie that came out back in March.”

You might be surprised. See my discussion with nurser for my thoughts on immersive audio. (It goes on for several posts.) The bottom line is that the smaller screen with better audio is a better temporary compromise than the bigger screen without the upgraded audio. And I can change nearly anyone’s contrary opinion

Riverview is nice, but it is nowhere near the size that the Cooper was. The Cooper was an old Cinerama screen. It was bigger than anything currently in the Twin Cities. Regardless, it is now a parking ramp, so it no longer matters.