You REALLY need to read before offering unsolicited advice. Your understanding prior to offering it is way too small.
You REALLY need to read before offering unsolicited advice. Your understanding prior to offering it is way too small.
Don’t get me started on people who buy SUVs in genereal. Up here, people think that 4WD or AWD means that you can drive 70mph on the freeway in perfect safety regardless of the weather. Like the number of drive wheels will stop you from going into the ditch when you hit glare ice. Might help you get out of the ditch,…
Could have been worse. Could have been a Sonic RS.
The picture of the front of the room is actually taken from the back row. Visibility is definitely not a problem. The back seats are on a platform — the whole reason for that is to get them above the front row. The size of the display does not affect that.
Around these parts, you can buythe reserved seats as soon as they post the show times. Depending on how organized the theatre manager is, that may be three or four days before the weekend. The manager at my preferred theatre does things at the last minute and usually posts show times for the weekend on Wednesday —…
Perfectly intact so far. Time will tell.
Did you not read the part about having a company vehicle for work? The Cup 2s have been fun during the summer, so I am happy with them. I do want winter wheels so I can drive it more in the winter, but do not want to spend the extra money on them right now, and since I have that company vehicle right now, there is no…
Why do you not read before replying? Check out my reply above to kaizen (and the vast number of times that I have had to say the same thing to other people. Over and again.)
Kerasotes built Coon Rapids first, then IGH a couple of years later. The two theatres are nearly identical — once you are inside, you would be hard pressed to tell where you are. But yeah, while they are now AMCs, they look nothing like any other AMC theatre out there. AMC pretty much took them over without changing…
I have always wondered US is catching up soo late.
That is the problem with a performance car like the RS — AWD or not, if it is below (or even near) 40 degrees, you have to really watch it when you let out the clutch in 1st while the tires are cold. The tires will spin on dry pavement without even trying to.
Yes, the Marcus theatres up here serve food on some screens as well. (Not all screens, so if you want to do it you have to plan which screen you are going to.) We are also getting one of the the first Alamo Drafthouses in the Midwest fairly soon, and while I have only been to the San Francisco version, that one did…
I have always said that for winter driving, I will take a front wheel drive with a stick shift & good tires over a 4 wheel drive or an all wheel drive with an automatic with all seasons. (The stick makes a car easier to rock.)
That is the problem with bragging about my system on an open forum like this: a lot of people started armchair quarterbacking the display, when they had no idea what kind of time, effort & money went into the rest of the room, and judged the display itself solely on its size. That display was perfect for the size of…