Well Melbourne is full of wankers so we should be grateful that it's only Marmite.
Well Melbourne is full of wankers so we should be grateful that it's only Marmite.
The rapper behind Ohnomite?
Please elaborate. I know next to nothing about Kansas.
Get off my plane's flight path!
But don't actually see it. It was terrible.
See also: Spy Kids 3D Game Over
I don't get what he's saying but it has the cadence of a lie.
I'm grateful to the other commentators who clearly got this joke a lot quicker than I did.
I'm eagerly awaiting Hateface.
"Patrolling the Mojave almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter."
You've never played Fallout?
One of my favourites:
Selling heroin and laundering cash. Ah, Billy Everyteen you mischievous scamp.
Meryl said vote Trump out
I came here to vote Trump out
You mean like the Penny Arcade series of comics featuring the unfortunately named Mr Period?
Let me clarify: CEOs will go to the Stockmarket and do a business.
And there's your script.
Getting someone else to make a video is lazier than reading reddit and then copying the links, but only just.
This show has been on TV in Australia for a little while now. At least the US got some warning that the Japanese invasion was coming.
I had to explain to an adult that Harry Potter was not based on an actual wizard. I wish I was joking right now.