
Well Melbourne is full of wankers so we should be grateful that it's only Marmite.

The rapper behind Ohnomite?

Please elaborate. I know next to nothing about Kansas.

Get off my plane's flight path!

But don't actually see it. It was terrible.

See also: Spy Kids 3D Game Over

I don't get what he's saying but it has the cadence of a lie.

I'm grateful to the other commentators who clearly got this joke a lot quicker than I did.

I'm eagerly awaiting Hateface.

"Patrolling the Mojave almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter."

You've never played Fallout?

One of my favourites:

Selling heroin and laundering cash. Ah, Billy Everyteen you mischievous scamp.

Meryl said vote Trump out
I came here to vote Trump out

You mean like the Penny Arcade series of comics featuring the unfortunately named Mr Period?

Let me clarify: CEOs will go to the Stockmarket and do a business.

And there's your script.

Getting someone else to make a video is lazier than reading reddit and then copying the links, but only just.

This show has been on TV in Australia for a little while now. At least the US got some warning that the Japanese invasion was coming.

I had to explain to an adult that Harry Potter was not based on an actual wizard. I wish I was joking right now.