
His milk eyes bring all the girls to the yard

Without knowing precisely what the danger is, would you say its time for your viewers to crack each others' heads open and feast on the goo inside?

I was being a poseur ironically, so thats acceptable.

I googled that and I still have no idea what that means.

The important thing is that we can all agree to not like anything ever.

No. No it would not.

But the gang know that Dennis is rapey and awful. I'm not sure you've caught on that he's not a hero.

I am a slow learner and have to push the button if there is a sign that says not to. TLDR: Don't click the link.

Interesting choice of words there, Dennis Reynolds.

This comment did a better job of convincing me to click the link than the whole article.

No, they weren't all happy days. Like the time Pinky Tuscadero crashed her motorcycle. Or the night I lost all my money to those card sharks and my dad Tom Bosley had to get it back.

I think my favorite part is the subtitles that describe exactly what you can see anyway.

There are also several seasons of Fireplace For Your Home. It started going downhill around the 4th season when there actually is no fireplace at all. This is a true story people. Look it up yourselves.

*vomits in his mouth a bit*

This whole article was an ooooh moment for me. I wonder just how much I've missed in the hundreds of times I've listened to this album.

I liked the bit when they said Jeff.

Butt pirates.

Logan's Run.

Did someone say useless opinion? This looks like a job for me!

That's a universal truth right there.