
Thank you!

Since this is an entertainment site, it seems relevant to note that film/tv industry jobs (and general talent jobs from videogame voiceovers to studio musician sessions) are "gig economy" ones. Most of us are in a union to protect us from getting screwed out of a gig's contract, which helps limit the degree of that

Timothy Simons just talked about this on Colbert! The writers do a great job of brainstorming Jonah jabs. Some of which are easier to shrug off than others… Obvioulsy, it's funnier when he tells it:

To be fair, the title was definitely misleading clickbait, but I think your characterization is misleading too. From the article:

…He was nominated for an Oscar 2 years ago. Has worked plenty since then with A-list casts, and is filming a new Wes Anderson film now.

Eh, gotta disagree there. As a working actor (no, you wouldn't recognize me from anything), a mile lower than Heigl on the totem pole, sure I'd be happy to get cast in one of these shitty movies. I need the money and the exposure would be huge. But if I had Heigl's status (as a well-known talent), I'd be hugely

This article is day-making-ly fantastic- thank you!

Dark Places is a great example of what about Flynn's works makes them feminist, to me. Libby, on the first page, warns readers that she's mean and unlikeable. She's physically imperfect (mangled foot from her escape that night) and doesn't fit our predominant cultural definition of "attractive." And her story is worth

Never been a T-Swift fan (never hated her, just wasn't interested in her music), but I have to say, this was one of my favorite For Our Considerations to read, and I appreciate (and can empathize with) the personal approach. Thanks!