+1 on the io9 =/= homework help, lol. Study hard young one.

@corpore-metal: The equation actually reads: "the limit of [the function] as x approaches infinity" and not "the limit of x..."

@wellsje: "Now they come with three sets of inter-changeable lenses for $230: Mirrored, gradient and polarized, each 100% UV protected and in their own lens cases."

@Zer0OrDie: He pits on his last lap because of a penalty that he owed and still won(or something like that, I don't actually know the rules).

@NuevoLeon: Seriously?? Neurosurgeon? Well buy me a monkey and call it Monday.

I bet everyone's going to call it PSV because that's easier to say and it sounds like PSP which everyone's already familiar with.

Too much work.

I'd like to just hop in here and give a +1 to nicesock's comment. I also hate it when people say something sucks and don't give proper reasoning. It just makes them seem arrogant and trying to be non-conformists. I bet if you ask them what their favorite band is they'll name the most obscure band and act surprised

Nono, I know you can break down any compound with heat, I just wasn't thinking that high temperatures. Also typically when we kill organisms with heat (e.g. boiling our water before drinking) we're just apply enough heat to kill the organism (so that they don't wreak havoc in our intestines) but not enough to break

@geiko: Except toxins cannot be removed by heat - it's a chemical, not an organism...but I guess penicillin is not a terrible "toxin", lol.

This is terrible, but he must have not been in the greatest shape before he sold his kidneys or the operation was not done properly. Theoretically one can live with the functional capacity of 1/2 of one kidney (that's 1/4 of a normal person's capacity) if my university physiology professor is to be believed. I'm

My brother had a Honda S2000.

I saw the video before reading the article and when I saw the Chevy Volt I thought: "OH NO HE DI- NT!". I love awesome commercials.

@jacob.kossman: It really depends on the person when you talk about file compression and quality loss. Hardcore movie-philes will swear by uncompressed Blu-ray. Most people can get by with a 5GB file and might notice a small difference when moving up to 10GB. I would say 7-8GB is around the optimal size for a 1080p

@elephantattack: She can play my ocarina any day, right? hahaha. But no, the girl is pretty good looking.

DAMMIT. Why did you have to add the "with every purchase of a Mac" part? I'm sorry but I really don't want a Mac. Maybe I could find a friend who's getting a new one and see if s/he'd be willing to sell me the discounted iPad.

Hmm...I always thought people have to click the ads for the website to get any money. I guess I'm not an expert in that matter.

@JohnnyricoMC: I was thinking hackers or 4Chan should DDoS the sh.t out of these guys or something. Or someone should make a site that steals FJ's stuff page by page.