No it does not smart guy.
No it does not smart guy.
Because your tone is filled with snobbish derision for something as trivial as drinking chocolate milk.
the super 3DS...
Thats a scary thought... Microsoft and Valve joining forces?
Bartenders are responsible for those they serve alcohol, cutting anyone off they deem are too drunk and a threat to the public. It's crazy to think so, but apparently internet cafe owners need to do the same. 2 deaths in a month from too much gaming? lol...
Seriously, I don't understand this either. I mean, there are bars that are open 24/7, and there's no bartender anywhere who would let a patron stay there for 3 days straight.
Using myself for example, the next game I want to get for my vita is Hyperdevotion Noire. a game I can't even look up at my office without people wondering what kinda 'sick pervert double life' I live outside of work.
Its such a strange machine in that those of us who own one, to a man/woman love the thing and yet it just hasn't sold. We all know about memory card prices etc but I think a few TV adverts pushing it as the ultimate machine for indies (is there a better way to play Spelunky!?!) instead of pushing the remote play,…
I've been mapping for Source for years now. If you're interested in trying that out I have found a ton of resources over the years. It's not as good looking as any of that, but still fun.
its actually is how the game was made, its why they can do it.
They're right there on the top left and top right... ???
" A $2,000 mac is about the same(performance value wise) as a $400 pc but Apple is smart enough to know that they can charge a premium. "
It's up to Sony, but I asked if $15 was in the ballpark, and they said that sounded right to them :)
I went back and reread that entire section trying to figure out what caused his opinion to change. Still have no clue why anyone would want it over another controller for PC.
Wait a min, this is what IS has been doing instead of developing the next Advance Wars or Fire Emblem game? There fun little games but come on! I've been waiting since the day I got my 3ds that I get to play a shiny new AW game. *sniffle*
With a discount for those who bought either of the last two ones.…
And it's also coming to Europe on the same date.
Shut up.
I envy you and your probable chastity.