Stutters all the time, well known problem with certain graphics cards. Fraps shows a smooth 60fps

How about a mod so it doesnt run like shit on 670GTX, I’ve been dying to play this for years but its so stuttery its unplayable, and I’ve tried everything to fix it to no avail

Reading your posts, you seem to be quite an angry boy. Just calm yourself down young man.

So excited for this, only the second kickstarter I’ve ever backed (Broken Sword being the first). I don’t think we need have any concern about him reaching his goal and probably many stretch goals. This is a game that needs to be made and it’ll be one in the eye for moronic money mad publishers and their shitty mobile

I work in a large mobile phone store so I deal with both Os’s on a regular basis. I own an iPhone 6+ and an Android tablet. I switched to android briefly with the Sony Z2, and as much as I prefer the whole concept of Android, the execution is something else, I just don’t like Android on phones.

Seems like an ill-thought out scheme to be honest, especially given the vast amount of swords that have now appeared and look extremely similar to other peoples. A donate button is whats in order, give us chance to reward the modders who have put serious effort into these things, not the sharks.

Shes in bascially 70% of british TV comedies so I wouldn’t worry about her too much, if anything, in the Uk, shes saturated the market!

Somebody kill me now.

When I fought the nurse maid, she was very very easy and did barely any moves, when I looked at guide later she was supposed to split into three and attack you? I certainly didnt leave my PS4 on overnight, maybe it was a rest mode bug

You can keep your full HD laptop screens—give me a nice 1920x1080 anti-glare IPS panel with an amazing viewing angle any day of the week.

If your husband has a large amount of extremely secure servers in the family home, I suspect you might be better off never finding out whats on them, that's all I'm saying.

Its a real shame, I was so looking forward to this game, an Xcom style, by the creators of Advance Wars, it sounds like the ultimate dream strategy game... but the demo left me feeling a bit empty, and I know waiting for those enemy turns will just get tedious. Ghost recon shadow wars is really good though for anyone

I'd give my right arm for a girl like you

except I'm British

People are free to do what they please of course, but this level of gaming is clearly and addiction and surely the cafe owner should bear some responsibility for letting the guy sit there three days straight. There should be prosecutions for owners who allow people to do this is, when you're in that 'zone' you're not

Well personally speaking, the only indie games I've actually paid for are Spelunky , which is WELL worth the extra to play on the go as it offers hundreds of hours of gameplay, and TxK and Olli Olli, which aren't out on PC. The likes of Binding Of Isaac, Don't Starve, Titan Attacks etc have all been 'free' on PS+.

Its such a strange machine in that those of us who own one, to a man/woman love the thing and yet it just hasn't sold. We all know about memory card prices etc but I think a few TV adverts pushing it as the ultimate machine for indies (is there a better way to play Spelunky!?!) instead of pushing the remote play,

I really want to play this on my PC (670gtx) but it runs like absolute shit with a load of juddering and I just cant. Tried all the methods posted online and its still the same. Such a shame as I never completed it on Xbox 360

Got the game yesterday and its certainly one of those 'crack' style games. It's Halo, Borderlands, gears of war and WOW mixed into one, yet its not as good as any of them, but something keeps pulling me in to doing very similar missions over and over again. I don't regret my purchase

If Zynga want to give slimy-faced, 'blue sky' thinking, Phlegm wad Don Mattrick $60million then post a $60million loss then I can't help thinking they don't have a fucking clue what they're doing. He almost single-handedly destroyed the Xbox One,