The problem with a 768 is, you may never see one again, which is exactly what happened to me, got one in the first couple of days and now I'm doing rubbish all the time.

Because Alucard (the character in question) spelled backwards is Dracula. They're just failing to make a funny.

Those baseball caps with umbrellas on.

Because ashens already does it so no one else ever has to endure this shite. And how many people reviewing utter tat does the world really need?

I actually think Driver 3 was a great game.... and I'm not even mentally ill. It was just so different from GTA3 that people hated it because it wasnt GTA I think. I loved how it required precision driving, which is what a 'driver' should be like. Yes, it had its annoying bits but it didn't deserve the massive slating

Hey, I liked Carrier..

This game achieved the impossible and made Samuel L Jackson annoying as fuck

I really liked this game even though it was clearly half finished. The jetting around then landing somewhere and seamlessly going into third person fighter was a great concept that wasn't executed that well, but still, worth a play if youre bored

Glad this game is getting so much love, it deserves it, not only is it an excellent puzzle game but it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling that shows there's still the odd person making mobile games with love, not trying to rip you off with in app purchases or begging you for 5 star ratings. You pay your money you get your

going to reveal, your top score? ;)

Nice one,l gives me something to aim for, although I've not been near a 768 since that one time, I think I'm over thinking every move now, the first few moves need to just be done fast, get you up there quickly I reckon. Theres some luck as involved as well I suppose when you only have the one space left and you're

'You may begin you test now'.

I got one yesterday, a feat I fear I will spend the rest of my life trying to repeat.

Theres very little 'math' (s) really it more about strategy and making sure you know where the next tile is roughly going to go, you need to think ahead at least two moves really to get a decent score in my opinion

whoops double post!

I think the term 'don't hate the player, hate the game' is very apt here :P

Thanks but Im annoyed with myself because I messed up the last two moves trying to 'see into the future' and went too far, I could have gone on for a few more moves but I was at the point where getting a 3 was causing me a real headache. Theres much much higher scores than that out there though, so you can obviously

Our definition of hilarious clearly differs.

Just got 20,319 with my first, and possibly last, 768 ;)

When I play Threes I feel my faith in mobile gaming beginning to be restored, no in app purchases, no begging for 5 stars, just a beautiful, pure puzzle game.