I think its a good idea. People want to play the likes of Spelunky with a D-Pad, the disc thing may be all well and good for FPS and Strategy games but it doesnt look so hot for 2d platform games, as for the touchpad, waste of time in the first place. One game I have on PS4 uses it, Killzone, and its fiddly and

Oh its not a survival horror no, but to me the 'real' resident evil is dead. Why Capcom dont release an old school resi on something like the Vita, with a loww budget it beyond me, it'd fly off the shelves. Tehy whinge their core audience is getting older so what do they do? dumb everything down, firstly as if to

I actually thought, against my better judgement, that 5 was a pretty good game with a co op partner, I completed it 5 times to get all the achievements, back in my whoring days. 6 is just an absolute travesty though, I'll never knwo what they were thinking churning out that piece of shit.

I understand you are an apologist for the man but suggesting his far right views are justified in the name of comedy... doesn't it state here that he ran for president and is heavily involved in politics?

STAT | $13.75 billion—Total game revenues for China in 2013, according to trade group GPC; 64.5% of that comes from client-based PC games, and 15% from browser-based games. Additionally, domestic Chinese developers made up the majority of revenue brought in for 2013.

Absolute shite.

Maybe he doesnt have 'like' $100 to blow on an old handheld... just a thought!

Resident evil 6 is an absolute pile of shite in every single way. (Ok, apart from mercenaries)

Killzone shouts audio logs at you incredibly loudly.

I've enjoyed watching you argue with yourself, expecially as both arguments were wrong. Well done you!

Surprised no one mentioned this. I've not watched many animes but I loved this and always hoped for a season 2

Does this new comments system mean I am no longer treated like a second class, greyed out netizen? or am I forever to be victimised? sob.

Ha, to think I used to hunt down Bomfunk MC's MP3's. Still a good tune though. But the video is a bit crap... Loved the chap holding a PS1 pad purely because playstations were 'cool' as the time, way to go with the Zeitgeist!

Pro baby katamari and not definitely rayman (the second one is much easier than the first) other than that there's not much in the way of platformers that are easy at the moment. Maybe little big planet, and there's always the psp back catalogue

I really hate games where you get disorientated by going on ceilings etc and my first couple of hours with gravity rush were hair pulling, but once I got to grips with it and started ding huge combos, and completing the challenges I was hooked, for my money it's the best game on the vita and I've played most of them

I dont get it

Xbox One says no.

Im one of those cynical bastards that doesnt watch people rant and waffle on YouTube but I really like this guy and hope he gets himself sorted, hes got paid work, a wife and he's losing weight so I wish him the best of luck, he's a thoughtful and intelligent chap

If 'gracious' is slapping a big 'Xbox One' logo with congratulations on it on twitter so every gaming website will post it, then Microsoft were incredibly gracious. I'd call it marketing myself.

I had to turn it off when I realised it was 3.30am and I was looking for invisible cows. Also, why are my comments ALWAYS greyed out?