
I imagine this part wasn't in the original AP photo?

So, AJ got her for his new site?

This guy...

I re-read that answer 3 times to make sure I wasn't missing it. But yeah, it's not there.

You're looking at their arms, when you should be looking at their bodies colliding.

Isn't his foot back on the ground before the ball comes off his fingers? I feel like this happens all of the time and never gets called.

"Ped allegations are a trick of the devil."

Not only did "PEW PEW PEW" make me snort at work, but it also reminded me of that scene in MTV's 2ge+her movie where the guy is making all those laser noises.

Possible, but the comment had 150+ replies and was at the top of the discussions for 12 hours. There's no way they didn't see it.

"No Such Dame"

You call this journalism?! How about giving credit where credit is due...that commenter yesterday who came up with your awesome image caption.


Scoop of the year? Decade? For all the people who claim the internet is the death of journalism, this is just proof that mainstream media is a horrible waste of resources for just peddling this sap story without investigating it. Great stuff guys.

I thought he was referring to the latest Verifone VX570 POS, which has a history of contracting nasty viruses.

So, you're commenting on an article you didn't read, and your argument is that...people react differently to different things? Good discussion.

" you're either a mega hipster or a completely ridiculous person."

As the article said, concussions aren't the problem. It's repeated contact to the head. You don't have repeated contact to the head on a bicycle.

Well then Hillary would be the first gay woman president...

Yeah, was just going to say this.

I'm one of those rare people that keeps switching back and forth between Mac and PC. On one hand, I find that I'm far more efficient and productive while working in Windows. On the other hand, the product and customer service quality is clearly superior in Apple land. I've used Dell and, most recently, HP as my forays