
That's fantastic. You win the internet for today. However, these refs get paid 141,000 to make sure QB's don't get roughed up too much. Stop making your own rules.

Dat strain tho...

So we are going to pit kids against each other until one dies? What role will Lenny Kravitz play in the amusement parks. I'm more confused about our world than usual upon reading this story.

Somewhere, Sir Mix A Lot is smiling claiming victory. I feel that this is a brilliant work of art.

I too would like a job where I can set my own parameters.

oh shit.

did he do this on purpose?!?!?

these pics aren't that terrible. Coors light commercials on game day are more risqué.

These meth parties in the Midwest are out of hand.

dat vag doe...

Spot on. But, I don't care. A beer would be nice tho...

the guy on the left looked like he was ready to explode

Sean Newell is my favorite sports writer in the history of the written word. He has no filter and it makes for great reading. The "Fuck David Fincher" line alone says everything.

I believe the statistic has been that BEAST MODE was 30% of the offense.

That's the saddest twitter feed in all of baseball.

Not a Seahawks fan but that is a sweet looking ring.

This is hot garbage. Baseball fights are so lame. Once I'd like to see like a hockey fight where everyone is in their own battle and not this weird pile on.

She does not want to be on that stage. Look at the blank look on her face.

All you wrote was Yuengling. That is fantastic.