Those pancakes at Perkins are so great. I can't wait until Kirk Minihane cooks me some at his new job.
Those pancakes at Perkins are so great. I can't wait until Kirk Minihane cooks me some at his new job.
He doesn't say much to the press but this does prove that he, "is all about that action".
I hope I can download it on iTunes tomorrow.
This was much better than Drake's monologue tonight.
After reading your sampling of tweets, I want this kid to win multiple championships. I loathe everything about Philly. These tweets changed everything.
Stopped right at the second paragraph when I read, "Now, however, it was just Jackson and Lovie; Grandpa alone and in charge with his grandson, for the first time, for a whole day."
if this was a basketball game, you slam dunked and are hanging off the rim in celebration.
Please let Belichick use :) in a text.
this is fantastic!!!!
Chicago loves it's murder.
yeah but nascar as a sport is over. Not even a desirable demographic anymore.
this is why other countries hate us... Well... That and our terrible grammar... Our fast food society... We made lady gaga a thing... And something about being bully's in other countries... And bringing Disney to France. I think that's most of it...
so start buying music again and kill this genre.
All of Cleveland about to jump on the Bron Bron train soon...
Sweet sassy molassy!
Brazil's new theme song.
This is so amazing. I cannot look away from these gifs.
my mothers side of the family is 1/2 potato. I take this as an insult! Give that guy the electric chair!
apparently pyromaniacs.