
My girlfriends grandfather once asked me if I had a cock. I told him yes and sat there for a full minute awkwardly making minimal eye contact. He got up and brought back a Coke. That language barrier can fuck up any conversation.

The league is going about this the right way. Eventually they’ll get to 32-36 teams, and then you can start talking about taking off some of the restraints of the current league economics and put promotion/relegation in place (even if it’s just 1 or 2 teams swapping per season). They know where they want to get, but

And England has 90+ professional teams in the top 4 tiers in a country half the size of California. The US and Canada have maybe 55. We don’t have the infrastructure to support teams on a national basis unless they come in at a higher level. And it’s not like there are tons of clubs ready to spring up once the pyramid

How bad is one at science to go from smart feller to fart smeller...

this looks more like a 70's anime.

MLS is better than a lot of leagues that have pro/rel and worse than others. Just like the NBA is better than European basketball leagues even if Europe has pro/rel and we don’t. It’d be a cool to have but this idea that we’re doomed to fail as long as there’s no promotion or relegation is based on fantasy, and it’s a

But if you think guys like Kroenke and Kraft give a flying fuck about American soccer, you’re part of the problem.

Sorry, but this is a pretty blatantly desperate attempt to wield a completely unremarkable bit of soccer news just to bang the anti-MLS drum. Not buying it.

Big-time soccer has struggled so hard in the US for so long, I can’t complain about a little bit of protectionism.

As an MLS supporter, I hate the convoluted system, but I understand the need for managed growth. I think pro/rel could work some day, but right now it’s enough of a battle to start overtaking the NHL in popularity, and then after that, it’s the NBA, MLB, NFL and college sports.

Suddenly flavor flashback:


In retrospect, it was a pretty touching tribute when the Indians died on the field in 1997.

I always just skip the first 3-4 minutes of matches. There's no point in watching players use the same openings every match.

i always liked the 1980 brown outfit.

You know it's a secondary tournament when Uncle Sam sends his drunken brother, Uncle Seamus, for the pregame tribute.

Now playing

I see your A$AP Rocky, and raise you one Aesop Rock.