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    So EA 'borrowed' Wang. I wish 2k could borrow the NFL license for a couple of years :(

    I'm glad i have Final Burn Alpha. :)

    @Techno-Atom: Capcom US (Marketing) didn't wanna use the Japanese version of the game cover which was considered "Too childish."

    @XJDenton: District 9 — a movie that is less about 'aliens' and more about 'illegal aliens'....

    KZ2 skins for PS3?



    Deus Ex 3? Sequel to Snatcher...

    That's some awesome use of 16-Bit goodness! Multi-Parallax awesomeness. :)

    I just wanna see a Buffalax (VI) on my screen :) or at least take a homescreen photo of it and put it as my wallpaper.

    ....galactic tactics of microphone harrasment/impregnate your brain and give your headpiece contractions....

    Actually "It's-A Liberia!"

    @Gaucho85: On the flipside, i've had mine since launch and haven't had the RROD...(knock on wood). 23% is still a lot.

    It might be a hybrid of sorts but it has a little charm in a Darksiders/GOW kinda way.

    The Fox. Definitely, the Fox.

    @Paul_Is_Drunk: definitely Kim Kaphwan. Phoenix Flattener for everyone.

    Holy crap!? So it was a hoax...he's not dead.