
Those are all actions of humans who are not perfect and are just as susceptible to being confused and making horrible decisions... Plenty of non religious actors have committed similarly heinous acts in the name of ... And if you reject an overarching idea (let's say the belief in one God who created life and is

ha true +1

Totally agree.. the wringing..

also just thinking here... but raptor zombies.. omfz things just got cray cray up in hurr

couldn't agree more +10... If we ever brought dinos back to life, I'd quit my (decent paying) job and move to the island just to be an intern or volunteer research assistant.. I would be totally okay with a <10k salary (or even just beans and rice) if I could see real dinosaurs everyday..

bc that won't scare/thrill the heck out of adrenaline junkies

They prefer the term Nephilim.. giant is offensive.. ironically in this case the "N" word is the proper choice...

[Official Stamp of Historic Verification]

I painted mine brown from base to ceiling, painted the remaining wire green, then left the speakers red... then I carved my initials in the base unit and ate the speakers.

*joke about RC cars and lunar rovers*

but he is a douchebag.. what he did wasn't illegal.. but he is a piece of shit.. he took money and put it on his own card.. then thought he wanted some recognition.. in order to go public and truly capitalize on jonathan stark's original creation he'd have to donate it to charity..

I'm with you @spudhed.. I mean cool that he's going to put a drop in the bucket to a charity.. but he did ruin something seriously interesting.. and just because it was frivolous doesn't mean it was wrong..

Good point (and username btw)..

Actually to get an app like this coded, debugged, and polished with the social/sharing, augmented reality logic, image processing, and whatever other features built in what is now a month would actually be very costly.. It would take well over 5000 dollars to do this and do it right. Even if they started prototyping a

Every world super-power's sense of security forever changed by actions carried out by just a handful of men. World renown symbols of success located in the heart of, what is arguably, the most celebrated city in the US were brought down in a matter of hours. And for this to happen in the information age where everyone

Yeah groin doesn't equal man unit (thankfully)... and vein/artery catheters are pretty painless. The insertion area is numbed and you don't have nerves to feel when it's moving through your veins (though it is admittedly creepy.)

Duuuuuuude, throwback.. loved reboot

That picture...

too funny

Because tinted windows do a good job without causing blind spots...