This is good to know. Maybe I'll check it out some time. Mainly because I'm curious about Hodor. He seems like a very well developed character who has much to say.
This is good to know. Maybe I'll check it out some time. Mainly because I'm curious about Hodor. He seems like a very well developed character who has much to say.
Unfortunately, yeah. It'd probably realistically be close to $1k, really. But I can dream, right?
Thanks! :) Definitely going to get Soul Sacrifice, LBP, P4G, and MG HD Collection! I'll check out Assassin's Creed 3, wasn't a big fan after playing the first one, but maybe I'll like this one.
That's what I would figure, too. I actually played DOTA 2 first, and after not being able to do good AT ALL in that game, even versus the bots, I ended up trying out LoL, which is definitely more noob-friendly gameplay-wise.
That is so damn sexy. I hope they sell these. I'd totally pay like, $200 for one. I love my cyberpunk.
I totally ignored that game when I saw it on my PS3, figured it wouldn't be something I'm interested in going by the art style (stupid, I know), but now I'm seeing multiple people tell me it's great! I'll definitely check some videos on it :) Thanks!
Oh lordy, P4G is probably the most highly recommended game I'm seeing everywhere. Looked up a few articles on "top Vita games to get" and that one is like, #1 on each list. xD I'll definitely check it out; never played a Persona game, but definitely would like to! Thanks for the recommendations! :)
Haha, yeah, that's basically my experience. I was never kicked out of a game, but I was yelled at the entire time, and when I needed help with an enemy they literally would sit back and watch me die, and then kill the enemy Hero. It got old very fast.
Ooo, I'll definitely have a lot to try out. I wonder though if I should even re-buy the Jak and Daxter collection, seeing as how I own the HD collection on PS3 already xP
That one seems to be getting recommended the most! Definitely going to try it out :) Thanks!
I do not wear Nikes, sir. I wear random cheap shoes I find when the previous pair have torn to shreds.
I'm sure I will! I think since I'll get the 4GB card with the Walking Dead bundle, I'll also get a 8GB (or maybe, possibly, perchance a 16GB) and then I'll fill those two up with all the PS Plus games I have on my Downloads page. ;)
That would really be awesome! I loved DE:HR, so I definitely would like to play The Fall. I have an iPhone but it'd be hell trying to play on that tiny screen. If they release it on Android soon I may just end up buying it for my tablet, unless they announce a Vita release.
Well, for the price the Walking Dead bundle is better. Sure, I only get a 4GB memory card, but I also get the WD game, and it's only $249. With that $30 difference I could buy an 8GB card, that way I'll have two cards to fill up with PS Plus games! :D
I actually preordered the Walking Dead bundle now that everyone has been giving such good recommendations of Vita games. I looked up and even last year people were rumoring a price drop. I imagine we won't see a price drop till mid next year, if you ask me. That's when most PS4 games will be coming out, and Vita will…
Well I guess I just have bad luck. It was my first day playing and everyone shunned me when I asked for pointers. I got better, but ended up dropping the game. Too many ultra-competitive and rude players every time I played, unfortunately. :(
Thanks! I'll have to write down all these titles! I wonder why Vita hasn't gotten any GTA games yet. I know Chinatown is on PSP so I could get that, but it was a top down GTA. Better than nothing though. No other games that give a lot of player freedom though? Not just an open world, but like.. LittleBigPlanet style…
Yeah, I remember on my PSP having 8GB and hating how fast it filled. 32GB is the highest? And I imagine it costs $40+, knowing how Sony priced the PSP cards. :/