iBoba Fett

It's like saying a game shouldn't have a hunger bar because it's annoying. I liked the weapon degradation because it felt realistic (yes, I know guns don't degrade this fast, but you get the point) and it made gun fights intense when your gun jams/explodes and you have to try finding a new one off the ground.

Coop would be awesome. Also, no fucking exclusive DLC. I don't mind timed-exclusive, but why the hell does PS3 get the full coop story, and I don't? If you're going to do exclusive stuff, don't make it story-related!

How about dinosaurs too?

I'm glad to see that others liked the weapon degradation from FC2. I loved it. I hope they'll bring it back (but maybe make it an option to turn off for the whiners?). I thought it made things much more intense when the gun jams or explodes in your hand while fighting off people, and then having to run around and

Here here! I loved the weapon degradation and in-game map system. I also definitely liked the Africa setting. I actually play Far Cry 2 more than 3, just because I feel like I can do more/see more than FC3.

Well, I really dig tropical Far Cry, so how about parts of the map are snow covered? Just Cause 2-style?

How about bringing back Jack Carver? And not FC: Instints' Carver, I want PC's Far Cry 1 Jack Carver.

Yay, regular Moneysaver's are back! I was getting tired of just Steam Moneysavers (forcing myself to not look at them, as I have bought over 100+ Steam games that I haven't touched yet)

Good God, kill it with fire!

Wonder how bad that hurts. Must've lost his lightsaber handle.

Oh my God that's perfect. I need to start watching that show more often.

Oh whatever would we have done without our Twinkies?

But hey! You guys are getting that new Halo game first, right? Woooo... :/

Oh you have no idea. #1 favorite movie of mine. I've actually posted a few times on articles raving about Blade Runner. It's a bad habit.

Pffft, I laughed at the end of that. I imagine for now you'll just explain that "They're better than you, regardless of gender/race/etc. but keep trying and one day you could beat them right back". That or go on that whole speech and watch as they fall asleep.

Haha, that's awesome. I imagine the 12 year olds minds are blown that a girl gamer has a sense of humor. Honestly, when I was their age I really don't remember being sexist like the kids I bump into while gaming.

More of these need to be on Android. Seriously. I have an iPhone, but gaming on it is freaking lame. Tiny screen compared to playing on my Nexus 7.

Yeah, was trying to think of that guy's name as well. He's the most "humanoid" the BattleTech 'verse ever got, as far as I can remember. But even still, he's extremely bulky (and slow), especially compared to Gundams.

Haha, it's good to see someone who doesn't take jokes so seriously on the internet. I imagine when people tell you to "go make them a sandwich" you're like "Bitch, I already am!"

Wow, that's bullshit.