Bug Eyed Gekk

I think we all need to ask our selves how credible these "sources" are since Verizon just announced that they weren't getting the iPhone...

@CraigJW: If you were truly geeky, you would know that Mace used two different sabers, one blue and one purple.

I found that after I restarted my 3G, that it became fast again. (Holding Lock and Home until it shut off)

@rodrigotrigo: I would have run those sobs over the second they started attacking my car

@Andrew Ball: That's not "properly maintained," that's OCD

@hazelnut: Microsoft hasn't had an original idea in years.

I hope they fix the "One-to-One" tracking in the final release.

isn't the game suppose to have delayed movement and not the other way around?

Full data here in SLC

@Chronixal: Download MvC2 and then ask that same question again in a week

I never even thought of how similar Dante and Dead Pool were before now.

Aside from all the naked and bloodied bodies in P2, I found it quite enjoyable and arguably more entertaining than the first.

Just found a new use for Silly Putty

@jackinthebus: or you could rig your passenger seat with one and say good bye to your date James Bond style.

Did anyone else have to rush to the bathroom and vomit after seeing this?