Bug Eyed Gekk

+1 for the JP love

Math, who needs it

I always play on the hardest difficulty that is available. Modern games, with a few exceptions, are almost always too easy on anything except the hardest difficulty.

All that a manufacturer has to do is preload their own app store and then turn off installing of unknown sources. Just look at the current android e-readers, a lot of them do this.

Yes, I do and here is why. Even if B&N gave you a custom boot option into android, they would still restrict which apps you could put on the device. They are a business and as a business they don't want their competitors apps on their device. In which case you would have to load a custom ROM anyway to get what you

It will not be true 1080p HD, it will be a scaled 1080p since the screen only has a 1024x600 native resolution on the device. But if it can output to say an HD TV, then it should be the full HD experience.

Why do you need B&N to give you "normal" Android? The mod community has built a bootable SD card image that will load Honeycomb. It won't be long until it's ported to the new Color.

If you watch their other video on YouTube, Baby got spooned!, you can tell that some of her words are not as clear leaving me to believe that her hearing impairment is real

I don't remember mentioning that cancer would be the damage you'd get.

Thanks for the info, I'll have to try it out since we have a 50 gallon can full of the stuff for our pool.

Here is the full equation if anyone wants to try

Love it! Made me laugh and people stare

@Chris I thought you got banned for blatant trolling.

Code that performs the same action and code that has the same source code are two completely different things.


I believe anything you program it technically copyrighted without filling for a copyright. You just need to be able to prove that you had the code first.

Steve Jobs himself has quoted Picasso as saying that "Good artists copy; great artists steal"

It's because Apple has a strong following of Zealots that they can ripping off someone else's idea and call it their own

Hurray for fanboys.

Is there any reason that this also can't be done with the PSEye?