Bug Eyed Gekk

it's ironic that Reggie dissed on Sony for coming out with a smaller version of the PSP that didn't really offer anything new.

@I Am Error: Yeah, weird. I don't even play my 360 very often, hence only silver #xbox360

I actually got one of these invites. I thought it was going out to all 360 Live members but since only one of my Live accounts(both Silver) got the invite, I guess not.

I used to work with a guy who thought he was Ron Jeremy. #fairytalefights

Wow, this sounds almost exactly like my brother. Similar in almost every way, except he is still in the down cycle #gamingaddiction

@Dead Giveaway: Just saying that usually if the game is on both systems I'll get the PS3 version.

I have both systems, 360 and a PS3, but my personal preference is the PS3. (Nothing against the 360, I just hate paying for Live)

@Cocksie: I don't really understand what the big deal is about getting these games on the PS3 anyway. I have both systems, and also have L4D and Mass Effect.

@Tyr4nt: Hmm, interesting rant, but I still say that it's not worth a post.

wow, is there nothing else to post on? I'm sure if this had been in English it would never had made it.

@atrimus: Fanboys are everywhere. It's hard to find non-bias comments on any forum/blog, not just Kotaku. And isnt' that just your opinion anyway?

it might not be such a bad idea.

Where are the free games for those in the US and Japan? Kind of a rip-off if you ask me.

@Thomaticus: The real test as to what you like and don't like will come when you can actually use the thing.

@silentknome: You won't see games announced until closer to launch. I'm not even sure that MS has released the full SDK to developers yet.

@amg0D: The problem with all motion controlled games is that they are motion controlled.

@Thomaticus: opps, I think you may have just started a fanboy flame war.

@casmith07: That's hilarious! I never noticed that until now. It's kind of a Simpson-ish mouth.