How about just get the stick out of your ass and learn to have fun.
How about just get the stick out of your ass and learn to have fun.
Cool cars but the story doesn’t match the pics. As pointed out, the snowblower. I didn’t see anyone mention the terrible blisters in the paint and the copious amounts of over spray under the hood. The springs should not be painted not the wiper motor.
Like I said, cool cars but the obvious discrepancies beg the…
This is the best one. If you know you did some dumb crap and your car broke as a result under no circumstance you tell your mechanic what you did. Be very vague and give as little information as possible. That way your mechanic will immediately find the problem and you can rationalize it with a whimsical story of you…
Let us not forget the nearly perfectly weight balance. A set of Dunlop Graspics got me through two Cleveland winters in mine before I moved back to Indianapolis.
As a career mechanic I call BS on those surveys. If I did my job 100% but the car wash kid sucked up your prized wheat penny or the receptionist was short with you early in the morning and you felt unappreciated your slightly negative score will jack up my CSI (customer satisfaction index) bonus for the entire month.…
Is this Federalist liken to The Onion? I am actually an ASE certified master tech and a BMW master tech and own a BMW specific repair shop and this is the most uninformed slop I have ever seen.
The driver says numerous times “I just had that replaced”.Possibly referencing a differential or bearing and using “replaced” as a generic term rather than rebuilt. A blown tire would not cause this since there are 7 others to hold the weight. Unless all of the tires on the right were .5psi off from the left then all…
What about the quart of urea? Nothing says sexy like distilled cow piss.
I bought your book and just created my account name (in honor of you Doug) just so I could type this. And I like tacos.
I have kicked people straight the hell out of my shop for asking me to commit insurance or warranty fraud. I love it when I tell them that I will not compromise my integrity by lowering myself to their level. I also get a great deal of satisfaction when, say, an engine is blown up and I have told them SO MANY times…