I Think We're Property

If this legislation was in any way honest, it would be to make sure that all critical infrastructure controls are physically separated from the internet period, not to create a "kill switch" to disconnect them. Especially since, generally speaking, by the time you realize a given "cyberattack" is underway, its either

So, basically, they hand out awards, but only to each other.

@amnesiac: That would be more unintuitive than the current design. It might be wise of them to put in a confirmation dialog though.

@Norbs: That happens at my company too. It pisses a lot of people off- who then protest via Reply to All. Its a vicious cycle.

... wait, commercials have teaser trailers now?

@Arken: Pigeons? Screw pigeons, he said he talked to Angels. I love the man, but he went full on paranoid schizophrenic towards the end.

So, they take an extremely original Atari game- one so original that no one ever even cloned it- and changed the cybernetic space fly into a generic anime idoru girl complete with exposed midriff, and changed the gameplay to be an on-rails shooter.

@hagren: Or infinite enemy spawns. I was waiting for an infinite enemy spawn reference.

Still not retroreflective? C'mon guys. Call up PixelQi and make it happen.

@veronykah: Its "barely surviving" because, apparently, their people are dying off as fast as they can pop them out.

@veronykah: Zero population growth is only "working" when you are trying to have zero population growth. Otherwise, its what you'd generally classify as "barely surviving". And think about it logically- you can bet that they don't have birth control, so how exactly is that population being maintained? If it isn't

@veronykah: But don't you see? This desire to keep them isolated is the very definition of a superiority complex. The people who think this way want to put them on display, preserved, like animals in a zoo- their lives, and the lives of their children, and hell, their entire human potential apparently has less value

@Benedinho: A little bit, actually, yes. Thank you.

"Sure, maybe they're not advancing but they live."

@pitseleh0: Thank you very much! I appreciate the insight.

Well, its mostly security theater anyway- any drop in "actual effectiveness" (however you want to rate that) probably won't make a difference. I mean, not when people seem to be able to smuggle weapons through quite consistently, either as part of planned security tests or purely through accident.

@pitseleh0: Is it because he's trying to out-compete his father? That sort of rivalry and desire to step-out-of-the-father's-shadow is not entirely uncommon, but I'm curious to hear what you think- as my partner and I plan on gaming with our children one day, I'm interested to hear more about your experiences with

@Dreamwriter: Its Brit-speak for "fender-bender".

Why does everyone keep assuming it was US? Elements in the code hint at an Israeli origin, and this is very much in line with the sort of cowboy stuff that Mossad likes to pull.