@Nawara_Ven: They must have learned that from us.
@Nawara_Ven: They must have learned that from us.
@Goblin: Oh, that's not bad then. You could theoretically keep your phone going perpetually then as long as you didn't use it for actual talking too much and gave it a few hours of sunlight a day.
@mountaingnome: Dolphins have proven far more trainable in that regard, according to the US Navy.
#corrections "less-than-lethal" is preferred to "non-lethal"
Anyone have any idea how much idle time 20 minutes of talk time translates into?
@VoiceOfWisdom: I'm sorry, but your rebuttal is, frankly, not compelling. Have you considered using a bolder font color?
Revision to the psychological profile: Mr. Redmond is not really a skilled scam artist so much as he is a slightly crazy inventor who is able to "pass" well enough to get people to give him money when he spouts sufficiently authentic-sounding-and-yet-incomprehensible babble, much in the same vein as those people…
@Superfly_CJ: If I had two years on my hands, I might actually take a month or two in between (presumably) drinking wine and watching soccer matches to code up some halfway decent hit detection.
@Chris Morrison: That's a different form of executive meddling. In this case, it sounds as if this was one of those licensing situations where the developer buys the license for a period of time and that's that, with Warner Bros. only having oversight on what they did with the license ("You can't let him punch real…
You can blame executive meddling for a shitty storyline, but you can't blame them for shitty programming. Sorry boys, but you made an awful, buggy, half-assed, sub-bargain-bin game.
@Torokun: I'm just surprised they didn't include her zodiac signs and her blood type. They're OBSESSED with that sort of crap.
@TendoMentis: Yeah, but only if we get to watch it from the grid. I'm sure it would be really disappointingly boring to watch from the outside. Every internet connection on earth would just lag out for four or five seconds, and then the fight would be over.
@Apotheosis: I thought Google was the MCP?
@Link2187: Hey, do you know how long it takes to torrent the schematics to a moon-sized battlestation? ;)
@WTF! Realityism!: Do you mean, it could actually be possible for a business founder to make more money from a failed company than a successful one?!
@I Think We're Property: Man, I actually feel kinda bad about losing my star for insulting performance artists. If I'm going to get unstarred, I'd rather it be for insulting something that people actually care about.
Wow. Its not every day that you see the stupidest thing you've ever seen.
This is actually kind of funny timing for me, because it was just a few weeks ago that I first got into Thunderbirds. The "Thunderbirds Are GO!" movie showed up on netflix streaming, and a week later I ended up buying the complete series on Amazon video on demand.
@MissAshley42: But don't you understaaaaand? They raaaped our chiiiiildhoooooooooods! They're only supposed to keep making games like the ones we played when we were kids! But no! They started making games for other people! MIYAMOTO! I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING SPECIAL!