I Think We're Property

@Ryan: Well, if they're anything like the UPS systems that my coworkers have on their office machines, any power surge or dip strong enough to even make the lights slightly flicker should cause them to immediately shut down whatever systems they're attached to, and then start beeping incessantly and at very high

@Steve Williams: It might be a member of the Space Jokey species that we saw at the controls of the alien space ship on which the eggs were first found.

On a completely unrelated note, my next scifi novel will be taking place on the planet Kwajalien Atoll.

Ok boys and girls, time to grab your towels:

I'm going to wait for color retroreflective displays- at which point, I'll probably look for a full-fledged tablet which has one.

@andrew_berge: Yeah, didn't you puck-slapping bastards black out New York once?

@FriarNurgle: Why? Thanks to the way our taxes are set up, they pay the least percentage of their income in taxes (hey, trickle-down theory, amirite Mr. Bush?), and probably represent a small percentage of the country's overall tax revenue, especially after you include tax write-offs for charitable donations.

@wjbean: Maybe because there's a huge difference between creating a material and finding a use for the material?

@Welcome to Earf!: Ah, I see that Dolph pulled a Doc Brown and went into the future for some de-aging treatments.

@mrClint: I dunno, with the exception of Expendables, this sounds about in line with all the direct-to-DVD crap he's been in for the last decade or two.

@Interstella5555: As I understand it, under these German tax laws, his investors basically get to list their investments as tax write-offs. They all make money on the movie even if it bombs.

Actually, making them purple would have made a certain amount of sense, in that purple is a color typically associated with royalty, and the Imperial fleet is directly serving a form of monarchy.

And each and every ticket will only cost $10,000 USD!

@djdare: When the university does realize that you've been on their payroll for years, without actually doing anything, claim that it was a payroll error and that they basically forgot to stop paying you when your consultant work was ended, and that you attempted to notify them but never heard back.

@djdare: The big red flag would have been the big cash withdrawal. A lone guy making a big cash withdrawal is always suspicious. A budget audit by the university might have gotten him eventually, but if he had just stuck do using plastic/checks, he probably would have been fine- especially if he paid taxes on it,

@stuarc: I hear that while developing those they practiced by searching themselves.

@DavidAndrus: Don't forget to practice your fake orgasm moans beforehand.

@Fossa: On a completely unrelated note, did you know that his previous job was as the head of Microsoft's hardware design team for the original Xbox?

@blyan-reloaded: This opens up the amusing [read: disturbing] thought that an effective form of terrorism would be to just keep making botched terror attacks using increasingly novel methods which would inspire increasingly painful curtailings of our personal freedoms. You wouldn't have to actually perform any of the