I Think We're Property

@A.Jaswal: Well, it did tow a galleon on TV once. That's a precedent for marine applications, right?

... I'm not sure by what logic your telephone is positioned to be the primary food and beverage management device for your home. Maybe by mixing your drinks for you it becomes better positioned to enhance its already nascent drunk-dialing functionality?

I'm still curious as to how people think that the mentality for operating remote controlled drones would be somehow significantly different from, say, artillery fire, cruise missiles, or an Apache shooting through its FLIR scope from a couple miles away. There are plenty of ways for armed forces to kill people from a

@Kris: Maybe they're talking about the target audience of Japanese RPG aficionados with mild OCD that love grinding 200 pokemon to level 50? You know, the same folk who find grinding in an MMO for 8 hours a night addictive.

@Delano_J: Actually, I'm betting it has something to do with the fact that A) he's OLD now, and B) his voice is wearing out. The Joker voice that he does is rough on the vocal chords as it is, and the older he gets, the harder its going to get.

@LedRush: Using genetic engineering alone, I do not think we will create inherently superior organisms, but we may be able to create organisms that are tailored to a particular task- such as, perhaps, eating petroleum products for 100 generations and then dying off (for cleaning up oil spills or plastic waste while

Science in and of itself is not bad.

@LedRush: The system being described is merely a proof-of-concept for creating single celled organisms using artificial genomes.

@agreeable_panda: Colossal oil spills are worth worrying about because oil companies are run by bureaucrats who sometimes mark safety concerns as "cost inefficient", and nobody has been giving scientists enough money to develop oil containment procedures much more advanced than "ring the site with plastic floaties

@LedRush: They're not. They're a specific form of neo-luddism inspired by poorly written plots created by authors who understand "science" on about the level of your average 4th grader.

@MichaelPalin: More specifically, he's a black guy named LYNCH. Unfortunate implications ahoy, especially when you look at the poster designs with that in mind.

@That mop mutant: Or if there was simply an option to remove helmets in non-combat areas. That's what I did in ME1- helmets on when I was dropping on alien worlds, or planned to get into combat; helmets off when I was just cruising around the Citadel completing dialog-only-quests.