I Think We're Property

@DaveKap: To be fair, some enemies did mindlessly rush you, like the suicide bombers. And everyone else, when you're in Back To Back mode, but that's supposed to be a shooting gallery.

@excel_excel: That actually reminds me of a comment that Jeff over at Giant Bomb made- half the fun of cinematic QTEs is watching your character get horribly mutilated when you screw it up. The instant rewind thing just makes it... boring trial and error. They should have let it play out to the character getting

@Revenge_of_Nekojin: Yes it downloads at 2-3 times the rate, but don't you usually notice that progress bar progressing in jumps? You ever noticed, hanging out on youtube, how in the early moments before that buffer builds up, the video can be kind of... choppy? Have you ever had a chance to see a humble webcam stream

@Revenge_of_Nekojin: Yeah, except that video stream you mention uses a very special invention called buffering. Its this thing that people figured out you could do to smooth over all the random latency bumps and lags and assorted crap that happens to your internet connection. OnLive, by definition, has to stream unbuff

@kevko: I guess that means that Prince of Persia is going to get a lot of design awards?

@def PD: My theory is that it falls to far outside the normal game archetypes for people to 'get it'- and, ironically, the more experienced a reviewer or hard-core a gamer you are, the more likely you are to be frustrated playing it.

Sonic Gaiden?

@loserguy: I think your mention of "waggle-platform" actually answers your own question. All the people who were into 'serious' sports games almost assuredly have one of the other (360, PS3, or at the very least PS2) consoles already, and given the fact that the Wii has lower grade graphics and, perhaps more

An amusing concept is somewhat hobbled by the fact that the game (or, at least, the character models) look like crap. I mean, seriously, that's the best they could do?

The "AAAAAAUAUUG*snikt*HGHRGRBLRB*snikt*RBLE*snikt* Engine". "AAA Engine" for short.

Referencing "A Knight's Tale"? Interesting choice. Is there some subtle message hidden in that?

"Why doesn't this guy have his own game company by now?"

@Ad-hominem: Amusingly enough, its the name of an actual Ian Flemming short story. Unfortunately, it was the single most boring Bond story ever written, and actually only featured Bond as part of a framing story. The entire narrative is set up as a conversation held over a game of bridge between Bond and a British

@ShadowMoses: I'll give you a hint- the strip club is actually named "4chan".

@Cogito: Hey man, inflation. In Duke's time, that's actually only worth 1 Euro.

It was actually the International Sex Worker's Union that lobbied for Duke to have a time rewind function.

RE: King of the Hill

Wait, so the Rock Revolution drumkit is going to be "cross compatible"? With what, precisely? The Stargate?