I Think We're Property

FFXI merchandise? They should sell a plastic pearl that says "STFU N00B!" and "LVL10 MNK LFG!".

The God of tired, tired internet memes requires me to respond with:

I instead choose to ask the question: Why would they want to associate themselves with Second Life?

No mention of Silver Surfer for the NES?

I live in California, and I can personally assure you that it is not just a Texas drink. Also, did you know that Dr Pepper is a real Doctor? He has a specialization in Awesome. Awesome, and Organ Theft.

Are we sure that they aren't actually making a movie of Condemned or Splinter Cell: Because Being Dirty and in Prison is Cool Now? Is the whole Prince of Persia thing just a smoke screen for the actual movie, Blue Harvest style?

@normalmode: Unfortunately, you can't sell a handshake for $500 on eBay.

Pretend to be a guy pretending to be Brian Crecente. Hell, it worked for Charlie Chaplin.

@Cloral: Actually, yes. Unless they actually dress a 14 year old up in a uniform and give him a gun (ROTC doesn't count for these purposes), they haven't actually been "recruited", just "marketed to."

I don't think it technically counts as recruiting if they aren't actually, you know, recruited.

Fun fact: the bit of footage at the end where he tiredly says "Thank you, I think thats enough..." was cut right before he continued "... can I get my check now?"

I don't really know much about Fatal1ty aside from the fact that he is one of the few moderately successful pro-gamers that actually exist in the real world, and not just in some high schooler's wet dream.

Look, everybody- I think we're all missing the one, greatest lesson that we should be taking away from this.

I want a small and simple avatar fighting game to be integrated into the 360 OS, and instantly launchable from the in-game blades. Some little punk taunting you too much while playing Halo 3 in XLA? That bastard supaflyjohnson101 talking shit about your mother in Uno? Take it outside- in under 10 seconds and three

They did the same thing with Starcraft. They introduced very little that was actually new or innovative- in many ways, it actually called back to an earlier generation of RTS games- but they just sat down and did it better than anyone else. And that's why you can still found it being played on college LANs across the

@dead_red_eyes: It looks like Activision is no longer intent on publishing it, but the development studio is still intent on completing it, and thus might shop it out to another publisher, like Ubisoft or EA.