I Think We're Property

Stop trying to understand anything that Asian cultures do with language, whether it be their own or foreign. Seriously. Its like they use some sort of specialized magnetic poetry set to put the names together.

Here's the thing I don't understand about a lot of localizations. What exactly is involved in localizing a US game for, oh, say... Australia, or New Zealand. They SPEAK ENGLISH. Sure, you need to convert from pounds to kilograms and miles to kilometers, but after that, it takes how many months to create a localization

"One thing that is for sure is another year in develop should only help not hurt this game."

@kingmanic: I thought he hated Halo. Or at least, Halo 3.

Cloud Stryfe: Surprisingly easy. Then again, he always was, the little slut.

[leroy]Well, at least I got chicken.[/leroy]

@Gravnar: Yeah, I kinda had the sarcasm dial set to 11 during that comment.

Oh yes, because I know I'm looking forward to Crash and Spyro waaay more than Ghostbusters. I mean, c'mon, why would they waste their time with barely relevant crap like Ghostbusters when they can work on really established and universally beloved franchises like Crash Bandicoot?

@arkbuilder: I think part of the problem is that its supposed to be a grand, big budget game, its been heavily hyped for years, the dev team seems to do little but talk smack and make excuses... and the result is ok, and somewhat novel, but definitely not up to supposed expectations. I mean, the budget title Viking

"So, girls, basically, the main design focus of this game was to include as many 'pretty' and over-engineered features as possible, without really worrying about whether they mesh together to make an appealing whole, or with an concern as to whether or not the final product is good for anything other than looking

The girls I know seem to think its kinda cute. I'm not sure how this is much different from a lot of the other chibi stuff you see all the time. The entire point is that its a humorous exaggeration, right?

@I Think We're Property: Wait, I see now on wikipedia that various hacks and glitches all the playing of all the classes, despite them being normally locked. I apologize and retract my statement.

@GorbyGipper: ummm... Wasn't the only selectable class in the 360 demo the Champion?

@scotty: "(I am lolikon though...)"

@32brains: They aren't talking about Valve's cutscenes because Valve doesn't have cutscenes- that's the entire point. They have interactive and dynamic in-game storytelling which is what Dyack is supposedly espousing.

@okrangerbob: But if they mapped the attack key to a button, that would no longer support their intricate "point in the vague direction of the enemy and the game will do stuff" gameplay.

@Helioz: Definitely. I think Valve does it best right now. Between the Half-Life series and Portal, they have gotten the delivery of story and even cinematic content to the player without ever taking away player control down to an art.

Does that mean that it'll be better than in the demo?

@sirsri: Technically, isn't one of the advantages of living a normal, productive life "not going to mothafuckin prison"?

The difference between air guitar and air drums is that while you do one, you look like a dork, but its still kinda amusing; and while you do the other you look like a dork having a seizure.