@okenny :): I would love to partake in the wonderful "console war who sells what more than who" but no matter what is said, people will bitch.
@okenny :): I would love to partake in the wonderful "console war who sells what more than who" but no matter what is said, people will bitch.
lmao, gotta love the dumbass debates that go on with these news posts.
There is only one aspect of achievements that I DON'T agree with, and that is on the multiplayer side of games. I don't think there should be RANKED achievements, because that could, in some ways, effect a normal gamers experience. I personally rather see kids "boosting" in player matches for achievements over…
@Balius: I know there are a lot of point whores out there, but again, the way someone else plays a game personally doesn't effect you in any way shape or form.
@Mpalm.: Oh yeah, they certainly don't ADD anything to a game, considering it is implemented into the 360 console only.
@Mpalm.: Not sure what you are trying to push on me, but ok.
@Mpalm.: "Beat the first level" that is considered a "bookmark" achievement. It is great to see a friends list and know that they are on the 2nd level.
@Balius: The N64? More like Pong if you want to go the route of it being a "High Score" thing.
@Mpalm.: Achievements are pointless? I guess so, but you know what else can be considered pointless? Playing video games or sitting on the internet reading about consoles & upcoming games. Come on now. Achievements are pretty much "bookmarks" for the gaming world, they are a good way to document what you are doing…
A lot of you "gamers" read way too into Achievements and have hate for something that is so new & great to gaming. There is no way anyone's achievements/gamerscore effects any of you , so complaining about them or bitching about it is just stupid.
uhhhh... 4 Player Co-op Campaign over XBL??
Too Human - The new IP i'll be trying, yeah it may have lost it's 4 player co-op, but Mass Effect didn't have ANY co-op and that is a great game.
I am perfectly content with only playing gamers in the US. Nothing against all the Euro guys and all that, but I prefer good connections when playing.
I might actually download STUBBS, then again I haven't downloaded Indigo!
@otarumx: It's you.
@White-Sharingan: But everyone did finish the fight. How is that BS?
FPS, I like.
Why not release the original on XBLA? It should be easier to get done than Goldeneye.
RARE hasn't had a high point yet with the 360, that's for sure.