I Miss Splinter

Hmm, conspicuous silence from the biggest Tesla stan here.

Telling isn’t it! Someone saying the brand is worth about $40 bil but the stock market and its irrational investors are saying it’s worth over a trillion.

Exactly. To him, it’s not about money anymore. It’s about power, influence, and shaping civilization into his idea of a perfect model. And his speech was clearly paying homage to the “14 Words” - the most popular white supremacist slogan in the world. Nazis and white supremacists the world over are creaming their

The dude has used Twitter MANY times over to dog whistle 14/88.

Yeah, as I overheard someone at lunch pointing out, once is an awkward coincidence.  Over and over again is not.

Yup. Right here in this picture we’ve got a grandson of nazis and son of apartheidists, who has openly endorsed the AFD (German neo-nazis), courted the alt-right and hate groups, gifted Twitter to them as an open platform, and is talking about “securing the future of human civilization” right as he’s doing the

Musk is an actual fucking nazi.  NOBODY should buy a tesla.  FUCK that POS.

I’m just going to leave this here. He has clearly he told us who he really is, all in one photo. He also did this solute several times!

I replaced my Model 3 with an EV made in a country where Musk could have been arrested for that salute. Irony. 

Or call people that are rescuing children “pedos”. 

No company is completely innocent (just look at all the banks accused of fraud or robbing their own customers). But these days I will settle for the companies whose CEOs aren’t making “awkward hand gestures” during public appearances.

Not that General Motors is a innocent lil’ angel of a company... but I’m pretty glad we chose to get an Equinox EV instead of a Tesla. In fact- I’d say Elon just helped GM and probably anyone else who makes an EV a lot. 

Is this supposed to be some sort of humble brag?

It’s an Italian team. Style and fashion are a huge part of their identity, so it makes sense he dressed up.

Interesting that in no way did I mention death. But given that I mentioned them- meaning whoever trump appoints to do his bullshit- would come for your family first- then you I guess made the next logical conclusion: That trump is exactly what I suggested. Maybe you should think more.

Just wait until Canada cuts off oil exports to the US and the price of gas jumps a dollar or two.  Try explaining to your uncle that he voted for that.

This is the first time I’ve woken up as an American and genuinely not felt safe. And to all the people who chose this? Fuck you and I hope they come for your family first.

This is the problem with iterative design. I can’t tell you if they’re 3 launches or 40 launches away from a usable rocket. Agile works well for smaller projects, but it hits limitations on very large, complex ones with highly complex and highly interconnected systems. Physics doesn’t permit you to just have a

Artemis had a single flight... that did not explode at all and went to the Moon and came back without showering any portion of the earth with debris. Development on Starship started in 2012.

And also takes credit for shit Nasa did successfully 50 years ago already.