I Miss Splinter

Yes, I am very anti-DST. It screws me up for 2 weeks every time the clocks change. It’s not good for children, and it doesn’t really do anything for people not on a 9-5 schedule. Heart attacks spike in the spring, and deadly car crashes rise at both time changes.

How many people are taking advantage of the sun at 5:25? We don’t need sunlight until after 9p in the summer, ~8 is fine - plus it makes it easier to put children to bed.

They went to permanent DST in the experiment, not permanent ST.

They tried going to permanent DST in 1974. We need to go back to Standard time.

Yeah this is the big problem with year-round DST, winter sunrise is sooo late. I work a lot in Dutch Harbor, which is like 2 hrs in the wrong time zone to begin with. They also observe DST which is stupid, but in the spring it’s not light there till like 10am.

Standard Time is the one true time.

As always mentioned during this discussion, this also means millions of kids walking/biking/scootering to school in pitch-blackness from late Nov to early Feb. Fewer car accidents > dead kids? Not in my mind.

Womp womp. Work for a fickle billionaire known for cutting staff at end of year to inflate productivity numbers... win stupid prizes. 

I’m pretty sure we’ll get used to it fairly quickly

I’ll go on record and say this is the first and likely only time I’ll agree with Elon on something. DST is outdated and could easily be dropped. 

No pitty for them at this stage. I won’t cry a tear for people working to produce weapons for Russia either when the war stops and they are laid off.

Excellent news! Adding less death traps/missiles to the roads is always good to hear.

The Dems are going to go just as deep into selling to the stupid as the Republicans have ...”

From a business perspective, yes, there are lots of other people who would very much be able to run Tesla “better”. As long as you define “better” by metrics such as vehicle quality, customer satisfaction, and global sales. Problem is, Tesla is not a normal business, it’s also a bit of a quasi pyramid scheme stock

Cue the world’s smallest fucking violin for the world’s richest man.

Elon lied on his citizenship application and illegally worked while on a student visa.

Tesla shareholders are the dumbest people on the planet it seems. Do they not realize that as soon as he gets paid, he is abandoning Tesla and moving to SpaceX, or worse, politics full time? Sales are down, cars are still shit, robotaxi is a fail and the man has lost his marbles completely. How will paying him $56B

“Can’t park it, fit it on the streets, charge it, get it worked on, or get the software to work, had to give it baby bumpers, and people are constantly pointing and laughing at me.
Still love the truck.”

Forget autos and auto parts, Orange Jeebus has no clue as to how much produce comes from Mexico. Five-dollar avocados is just the start.

Trump is envisaging a world where, to bypass the tariffs, automakers bring jobs and manufacturing flooding back to American soil. Maybe they will, but the millions of dollars that have been invested in Mexican and Canadian manufacturing over recent years suggest that maybe they won’t.