Maybe he should focus on building a car that doesn’t suck before trying doctor stuff.
Maybe he should focus on building a car that doesn’t suck before trying doctor stuff.
For me her cadence and just the way she speaks bugs me, it always has. I would 1000% love more Bernie Collins.
I’m sure it is just as well tested as Autopilot or FSD.
“that he’s quickly become one of Hollywood’s most enjoyable comedy performers”
If you cannot tell the difference between a country defending itself from terrorist attack and an invading force destroying homes, schools and hospitals, targeting civilians, particularly children, denying displaced people access to food aid, I’m not sure there is anything that can be said to you.
Update: This post has been further updated to introduce another misspelling of Babak Jalali’s last name
Would not be entirely surprised to find out that Musk learned that someone was spending company money on a “woke” BHM gesture and personally ordered that it be cancelled.
Different day, same problem.
“And what that means is that he says what he means and means what he says.”
Ah, yes! The United States, where women can’t drive, gay people are executed, and thieves get their hands cut off!
There is a vast difference between “supplying most of the terrorists” and “most of the terrorists were Saudi citizens”.
Doesnt work either. The leather-clad tennisball in his “bash a ball against the windows part 2" he claimed was a baseball (it hopped like a tennisball) says otherwise.
Dude should’ve fully committed when he threw the Chief on the hood and arrested him on the spot for public intoxication and interfering with every aspect of what the police were trying to do there. It’s a little more difficult for the union to brush actual charges under the rug.
Musk may be on the autism spectrum (I haven’t heard him say that or seen a doctors report to prove that statement), but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s a massive piece of shit and a horrible human being. He’s also made plenty of blatantly dishonest statements, so your statement that “he says what he means and…
There’s no level of cringe that the Muskrat wouldn’t stoop down to, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it is really him.
I remember Jon making it pretty clear Biden’s not nearly as bad as Trump.
The way I look at this is that political candidates are like buses: You get on the one that goes closest to where you need to go. You don’t refuse to get on any bus until there is one going to your front door. You don’t get on a bus going the wrong direction as a protest over the fact that isn’t a bus going to your…
Biden has always made his share of verbal gaffes because he’s a stutterer. I haven’t seen anything these four years that’s alarming. Plus, he’s done a pretty decent job as president. In no way does he appear incompetent. Old, yes.