I Miss Splinter

...What is it you think “involuntary manslaughter” means?

As an American, I’m sympathetic to the emotional shock of the unexpected use of two words you have only ever been taught apply to a very specific temporal and geographic history because your schooling is limited to a very specific temporal and geographic history.

Er... that’s not drifting. That’s losing the back-end when you realize you made a very bad decision and try to save yourself by flooring it.

I imagine if one is going to go with that logic, I don’t think it helps when you call your attackers “nazis” in an attempt to curry less condemnation for one’s actions. What people are referring to when this is discussed is concerning the population that didn’t commit the terrorist attacks but is suffering for them

Gaza is a textbook example of a pre-ww2 style ghetto which is now being leveraged into full scale ethnic cleansing. What else do you call over 8k dead children killed by indescriminate bombings in less than three months, those who remain being starved to death, with absolutely no way of escaping the area? Ppl seem to

Do lake beaches even count? After all, you’re already kind of apologizing for them by even calling them “lake beaches.

That plow was motionless, outside of traffic lanes, and lit up like the worlds brawniest Christmas tree. They “merged” to the right, directly into what looks like a closing lane and would have gone into the onramp had the truck not been there. That driver deserves everything the law can throw at them.

Hitting a snow plow or any other type of emergency vehicle, should be instant lose your license.

I mean sure a subway would likely cost more, but it’s actual functional public transit, which seems to be the “point” of this stupid Tesla tunnel. And as I have and others have mentioned there is existing autonomous vehicles used at like Airports, they could have just built the tunnel with that in mind, and not a guy

Thing is that it’s a really expensive stove that you have to take good care of. You can’t let the ashes inside get wet at all or the chemical reaction starts to eat the steel it’s made out of. The idea is really good but one of the Solo stoves basically costs as much as 10 cheap fire pits.

In a similar boat with the bulk items. Hell, if I buy a 6-pack of paper towels I have to keep it in my car and take out one roll at a time, because I don’t have the space to store much in my tiny apartment. 

An honest question, splinter, because I know you hate The Religion like I do: Sometimes I think getting rid of religion would fix so many things, and then sometimes I worry that if we got rid of religion, leaving 1. a bunch of weak-minded people who still need to be told what to do by SOMEBODY, and 2. a bunch of

Single but with an apartment instead - Costco is basically useless for me. My parent’s have a membership and I have gone with them a handful of times but each time I only walk away with 2-3 things because most of the deals are in such sufficient quantities that I’m either on the clock to use them all before I expire

The test tunnel was only cheap because it was short, didn’t require moving or getting around any existing underground infrastructure and had a complete lack of safety features real tunnels will need

If only there were some kind of proven underground transit system. Like something to carry ppl back and forth, with a predictable schedule. A Subterranean Way of transportation. 

There are already autonomous people movers, mostly in airports. This is stupid because it is not mass transit. Why spend this kind of money for a single lane tunnel used by passenger vehicles?

That’s an apples and oranges comparison.

Not quite.

My mind went straight to beignets, before I realized that there was a letter between the “G” and “N.

I’ll admit that my first thought was “bialys,” since they go with bagels more commonly than doughnuts. But I quickly noticed that there weren’t enough letters in bialys and the “B” would have been lit up. It took me about two seconds to realize it was doughnuts and then only a few more to say that those things aren’t