Huh, interesting hill to die on, defending this assclown.
Huh, interesting hill to die on, defending this assclown.
No, let it be thrown out at the SLAPP phase, for being generally true. Then the dipshit has to pay Ken’s legal bills.
Well, that may or may not be true. The trial has not begun yet. The DUI is still up for debate based on his actions on the scene (DUI is not limited to alcohol intoxication) and perhaps the charges could be amended if further evidence were to come to light.
Did they “make shit up?” Seems like they might have been inaccurate with the specificity of the eventual charge, but it sure seems like King Varga killed two people with his car while he was a student at Stanford.
Break out the popcorn, I saw a write up on and the family has Ken "Popehat" White filing a blistering anti SLAPP action so in addition to the Streisand effect Vanga is going to be eating his victim's legal fees.
They point to police reports. Can't defame with "facts"
These comments are wild. If you really believe this family defamed this person, I advise you to never speak to anyone ever again.
The legal definition of murder does not matter. The word can be used colloquially like almost any other word, and can be a very subjective term given the circumstances. The family had a reasonable belief backed up by police statements and can’t be sued for stating an opinion. If they could literally every victims’…
Who made anything up? The family was relying on the police arrest record as well as public reporting on the case.
Uh, just to be clear, the guy has absolutely no case whatsoever and the chance that this is getting thrown out immediately is essentially 100%. The TechDirt article has a link to the motion to dismiss, I would suggest anybody read it before thinking the dude has any kind of a case at all here.
Why anyone would want to hand Elon money at this point is beyond me.
This shithead has a good case.
Did you know that someone named King Varga killed 2 people with his car? I didn’t until I read this story that told how a guy named King Varga, who killed 2 people with his car, is suing people for saying that he killed 2 people with his car.
How does him not being drunk make this any better?!? Oh you weren’t suffering the negative effects of alcohol on decision making, reaction time, and consequence evaluation when you were speeding enough to kill 2 people? That's totally better then!
It’s cute that you’d think I’d edit my post because some internet rando doesn’t like it.
“not to encourage the criminal prosecution of Mr. Vanga, including by communicating with government officers or protesting at any conference, hearing, or trial involving Mr. Vanga.”
Classic Streisand Effect.
You say “iconic”, then you use the Transformers Paramount logo when everyone knows it means Indiana Jones.
This is almost a good list. But Orion Pictures is quite a glaring omission.